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Chapter 791 - Welcome Back To Reality

The sun was already high up in the sky when Long Jinjing woke up. It was quiet. The storm finished passing through the area some time before sunrise but she failed to notice because she had been too busy having sex with the tireless Lu Zihao. They only stopped when she passed out and couldn't be roused anymore.

That was hours ago. She moved to check the time but gasped when pain wracked her. Her whole body felt like it had been run over by a truck.

'A truck named Lu Zihao. Or Nikolai as he likes to be called in bed.'

He had bent her into so many positions and did so many unimaginable deeds with her body that just thinking about it was making her feel hot and bothered. She flushed at last night's memories, on how she went wild with a man in bed and had sex almost nonstop until sunrise.

Ah, so embarrassing!

After calming down a little, she finally realized that she was all alone in the room. The side of the bed where Lu Zihao slept was empty. It felt cold to the touch so he must have left some time ago.

Disappointment filled her. She couldn't help it.

Last night had been so...so...incredible for her. Although she knew that she was just a one-night stand for him—among many other women he must have slept with given that he was so skilled in bed—there was still a small part of her that hoped that he at least also thought that what happened between them meant something for him.

She sighed and laughed at herself. It was a dry, humourless laughter.

'You consented, Jinjing. Deal with it.'

Yes, she should deal with her own decision. She was a young, independent, career woman. So what if she slept with a man? She was already an adult. At least the one she slept with was an attractive man, someone she had a small, secret crush on. Her first time was almost perfect. Her bed partner pleasured her so much that she honestly thought that she might die from overdose.

'Yes, Jinjing. Look at the bright side.'

A one-night stand worth remembering.

Even if it was just for one night, she was able to act wild, free and uninhibited while exploring her sensuality for the first time without worrying about how others might think or say about her. Nobody needed to know about what happened. She had no plans telling anyone about last night, not even her friends from the girl squad or even her best friend, Chen Fei. And she was sure that Lu Zihao would never breathe a word about it to others either. It would be her own little secret.

Giving herself a pep talk was quite effective. She felt much better after the disappointment of Lu Zihao's absence.

He was just a man, after all. She didn't need a man to be happy or feel fulfilled. Seeing how her own mother suffered due to a hopeless love affair with her father, she had decided long ago not to depend on a man for her happiness and especially not for her self-worth.

Her career as a business executive presented a lot of exciting opportunities for the future. Although she had her younger sister to thank for in giving her an amazing head start compared to her fellow new graduates, she was also confident about her own skills and ability to handle her current high position. Working hard and striving to become even more successful in her career were more important and much bigger sources of happiness and fulfillment for her than a man right now.

"That's right," she said out loud but winced upon hearing her scratchy, hoarse voice.

Well, she did scream a lot last night. It was no wonder that her throat felt raw. And it wasn't only her throat. Something below her waist also felt extremely raw. The hot soak last night was far from effective.

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