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Chapter 691 - LX Holdings

The prenuptial agreement revisions were finalized. It would take effect once the couple signed it and all procedures were completed before the wedding.

"The prenup is done. Although I'm sure that it would never activate, Xiulan and I are still pleased with the revisions. Well done," Jin Liwei said.

The lawyers, Hong Shaoqiang and Kang Huizhong, nodded their heads, silently accepting his praise, even though they thought that the couple was completely crazy for the extreme changes they made to the already extreme prenup.

"Continue with the next order of business," Jin Liwei added while glancing at his gold wristwatch. "It's almost midnight. I want this meeting concluded as soon as possible. Xiulan needs to rest."

"I'm fine," she told him.

"No. I know you've been feeling tired lately. You need to take ample rest or I'll worry."

She smiled at him. "Okay. You, too."


The two looked at each other, their gazes so sticky-sweet that Dom descended into another fit of excited ehehehe-ing while the others could only avert their eyes and try hard not to choke from the excessive dogfood.

As for Lu Zihao, he was more interested in the fact that the meeting wasn't over yet. He thought that they would only discuss the prenup tonight but it turned out that there was more. He was the only one among them who looked surprised. It seemed that the others knew about the next topic of discussion. Curious, he stayed silent by the window and decided to observe until the end while stroking the purring Popcorn. The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

This time, Qiao Yu took the lead.

"Miss Long Xiulan and CEO Jin Liwei have decided to combine their matrimonial finances and properties into a single wealth management system which we will call LX Holdings. Because each of them has considerable assets and some liabilities on their own from many different sources, we are unable to immediately combine everything without performing due diligence. We need to decide which ones you want to include in your matrimonial holdings. Please be advised that this might take a long time as we need detailed information about your wealth portfolios, so we might not be able to finish setting up LX Holdings before your wedding," the financial manager told them.

"That's fine. As long as everything is set up correctly in the end, it doesn't matter if it can't be completed before the wedding," Jin Liwei said. "But I want it completed within a year. If you can do it sooner, that would be better."

"Understood, CEO Jin," Qiao Yu replied. "Your financial manager and I will work hard to finish everything within that time frame." Then he looked at the two lawyers. "I'll have to trouble Atty. Kang and Atty. Hong to assist us with the legal portion of the process."

Kang Huizhong nodded.

"No problem," Hong Shaoqiang answered.

The next hour consisted of them discussing Qiao Yu's proposal on the best way to combine the couple's selected finances and properties together. For now, the couple decided to do the following:

All their matrimonial assets so far would automatically transfer to LX Holdings once it was set up. This included their jumbo jet, LX Air. Jin Liwei also added the massive luxury yacht currently docked in the French Riviera, named LX, which they used during the Sommet International Film Festival earlier in the season. Their other more minor purchases together such as matching jewelry, furniture, appliances, etc. would also be transferred.

"Add Dragon Palace Home #10, too," Jin Liwei told Qiao Yu.

Iris protested against it. "No. You bought this property years before we even met. It's yours, so it shouldn't be included in our matrimonial holdings."

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