1051 - 1060

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Chapter 1051 - Helpless Uncle Lin Lin

Iris wanted the driver to stop and to return near the hotel where her husband was in danger of being contaminated by the desperate woman, Rose Young. This time, however, the driver hesitated in obeying her order. He glanced at Dom instead, silently asking him what to do.

Dom gestured for him to continue driving before facing Iris to explain the situation. "Boss, I called your doctor when you fainted. The doctor said to bring you to the nearest hospital and she'll follow us as soon as possible. I think that she already left the mansion and on the way to the hospital using sir boss' helicopter."

"What else did she say? Why do I need to go to the hospital? I can just have her examine me at home."

"Boss, the doctor is beginning to worry about your tendency to faint. If it's once or twice, it will still be okay since you have a history of fainting even before you got pregnant. But you're now collapsing too many times than she's comfortable with it—than we're all comfortable with. She says that frequent fainting episodes during the first trimester might have negative effects."

Iris paled, her hand immediately touching her stomach. "Negative effects? What negative effects? Be more specific!" Her voice had become high-pitched and her eyes quivered with worry.

"Please calm down, boss. Don't stress yourself. It's bad for the—"

"Tell me!"

Dom became even more worried seeing her starting to freak out but he still told her what the doctor said. "Like increasing the risk of you delivering earlier than your expected due date."

She relaxed a little but not completely. "That's still okay. I already expect to give birth earlier than my expected due date anyway because I'm carrying twins. Multiple babies tend to arrive early, I'm told."

"Twins?!" Jin Chonglin exclaimed. His shocked voice sounded almost like a shriek. "Y-you're having...twins? Twins?!!!"

"Ah." Iris forgot that her brother-in-law was still with them inside the vehicle. "Forget that I said that."

"How can I forget something like that?!" Jin Chonglin's eyes dropped to her still flat tummy. His shock was turning into amazement and excitement. "That small belly is really carrying twins? Like seriously? Whoa! Big Bro is really capable! Twins in one go. Wow. Holy shit. I'm going to be an uncle to twins. Twins! That's two babies! Wait till Mom and Grandma hear about this. They're going to treat you like their ancestor for giving our Jin family two heirs in one go. Oh, I almost forgot about the old man. Grandpa Lu will surely act more excited than Mom and Grandma Li."

She threw him a warning look. "Don't tell them! Not yet. Liwei and I want to keep it a surprise. You're not supposed to know it this early either." She started squeezing Little Liwei in her embrace while sighing. "Not only that, you aren't supposed to know about Ketchup and Bacon's existence either. If you get kidnapped and tortured someday because of your knowledge about my AI children, I'll feel guilty."

Jin Chonglin became dazed. "Kidnapped...t-tortured...."

She reached out and patted him on the shoulder. "It'll be fine. Liwei and I will surely do our best to save you."

Now Jin Chonglin felt like it was his turn to faint. He got a hold of himself but still shivered as several imaginary scenes of him being abducted by villains and torturing him in a dark place for days, maybe even months, to get information about his AI niece and nephew out of him played inside his mind. His head whipped to the dashboard monitor where the white and black cat AIs were staring back at him.

"Can you make me forget about the two of you?" he asked in a panic.

"Meow?" Ketchup tilted her head to the side and looked at her Uncle Lin Lin in confusion.

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