951 - 960

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Chapter 951 - Lecture

Despite the difference in the levels of improvement between Ketchup and Bacon, Iris didn't favour one over the other. She was equally thorough in training each of them and emphasizing the importance of teamwork.

"You are individuals with your own set of strengths and weaknesses," she lectured them in their current session. "But in a hacking battle especially against someone who has better skills than you two, always remember that you should fight as one unit."

"Aye aye, Mommy! Meow~"

"Understood, Mother."

Iris studied the simulation results on the screen of her portable computer station. "I think it would be better if I could streamline the connection between your systems so that you can share data commands faster."

"Mother, Bacon is against this idea. I don't want Big Sister Ketchup instantly knowing what's on my mind. This is a breach of my privacy rights. Allowing my sister to have direct access to my system as if it's her own is also not classy."

"Hmph! Bacon you big meanie, how dare you talk like that about Ketchup who is your super-duper to the highest level awesome big sister?! Unlike this super-duper to the highest level big meanie beside me, Ketchup doesn't mind Mommy's plan because we're all one big happy family! Right, Mommy? Meow~"

Bacon silently bared the claws of one black, fluffy paw and waved it threateningly at his sister.

"Eeek! Mommy, look! Bacon is being a big meanie to Ketchup! Mreow!"

Jin Liwei happened to pass by at this time. Before Iris could stop the AI children from fighting, her husband was already marching towards them with a stern scowl on his face.


"Eeeek! Meowuwuwu!" Ketchup was frightened by her dad's scary roar and curled into a tight ball while crying.

Bacon immediately retracted his claws and sat silently, his head and shoulders shrinking a little, as he watched his furious dad.

"We never point weapons at our family," Jin Liwei told him in a soft but angry tone. "Ever. Even if it's just a joke, I won't allow it!"

"Liwei..." Iris reached out to him in an effort to calm him down and take it easy on Bacon.

"Evelina, this child needs to learn this lesson as early as possible. If we don't correct him now, he might one day hurt his sister by accident."

She looked torn but didn't stop him in the end.

Jin Liwei continued glaring at his AI son. Bacon was blinking his golden eyes that became bigger and remorseful, looking extremely adorable and totally different from his usual stone face. His tail was slowly swishing back and forth in a very hesitant manner. Jin Liwei felt himself softening but was able to catch himself in time. This kid's charm was becoming more potent. How dangerous!

Taking a few deep breaths, Jin Liwei made his severe expression a little gentler before lecturing Bacon in all seriousness until the black AI cat apologized to his Big Sister Ketchup and their parents.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again. From now on, Bacon will only attack other people especially our enemies and never members of our family."

"Good." Jin Liwei's expression finally relaxed after hearing Bacon's promise. "Your punishment for today's misdemeanour will be delayed another day since your mother is still busy working on your training and configurations at this time."

Bacon's tail drooped. "Under...stood, Father." Even his usual bored façade cracked a little after his dad told him that he still needed to be punished despite already apologizing.

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