Pinkie Promise? 💥Angst/Fluff🌼

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Hey guys! For the sake of nostalgia (and boredom), I thought I would try out writing these one-shots again! I don't know if I'll keep it up, but I do remember that writing these was always a lot of fun, and hearing what you all had to say was even better. Anyways, enjoy the story!

--- : Time skip
Italics mean thoughts/Dreams :)

- Abandonment
- Fighting (Nothing too violent though)
- Flashbacks


There was no explanation, no note, no sign, no goodbye. All Mumbo left behind was his tie, which rested on the palm of Grain's hand. It wasn't like Mumbo to completely disappear without a trace, yet Grian could feel the growing pit in his stomach, the swelling feeling that it was his fault. He stood in the kitchen, where they had spent many days baking cookies, laughing, dancing to whatever was playing on the radio. He recalled a fond memory while he shuffled around for a book and quill.

Grian was sitting on the counter with his arms around Mumbo's neck, as Mumbo stood in front of him.

"Pinkie promise we'll love each other forever?" Mumbo said, a smile spreading across his face and a pinkie raised.

"Pinkie promise" Grian replied, his pinkie hugging Mumbo's.

Grian's mind went back to blank, except for a singular thought he just couldn't shake.

I know I shouldn't be here...but just let me be close to you one more time Mumbo...

Grian took out the book and quill, and began to write,

My dearest, Mumbo,

i cannot expect you to come back, but i will never ever stop yearning for your arms to wrap around me one more time. i can't sleep, i'm worried about you. so please, if you ever find this, come home to me. i'm sorry, you deserve more. and if you cannot find that with me i understand, but please, just look me in the eyes and tell me you no longer love me. Just do me that one favour, so I can move on.

yours, always,


The shorter man wiped a tear from his eye with the sleeve of his sweater, before pocketing the red tie Mumbo had left behind. He made his way up to the room they once shared, and dropped the tie on the pillow where Mumbo's head used to lay every night, right next to Grian's.

Grian knew he wanted to cry, and he couldn't tell if it was the shock or the pain, but he could not shed another tear.


It had been 2 years since Mumbo left. Grian did not know what he expected, however he would never guess that Mumbo really would be gone for that long, maybe even forever. People say home is where the heart is, but Grian often wondered how he was still stuck in their base, thoughts swirling around as he stared at the walls of a place that he used to call home, but now felt unfamiliar. His heart was no longer within the stone confines, because his heart was with Mumbo. He had tried to get over it, he really did. But that stupid tie, he hadn't moved it from the pillow since the day Mumbo left. A constant reminder of what Grian lost. The small man climbed into their, once shared, bed and pulled out a pocket knife. He etched another line into the bed frame. It was the 730th tally mark to be added, signifying the 2 year anniversary of the day Grian lost his everything.

Grian laid, staring at the ceiling. He was completing his nightly routine of recalling the events of the day Mumbo disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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