Hanahaki 💥Angst💥

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I'm giving this my best shot. There are a lot of really good Hanahaki stories out there so this is pretty mediocre.


Word count- 1788

The day ended like it first began. Perfectly. Grian and Mumbo walked along Sahara street, Each holding an ice cream cone. As they passed through the small town of hermitville, Grian noticed the way the buildings towered over them. They looked as if they could touch the stars tonight. Grian looked over at Mumbo and chuckled a bit as he noticed some ice cream got stuck in Mumbo's moustache.

"Saving a bit of ice cream for later there Mumbo?" Grian asked, snickering.

Mumbo turned a bright pink.
"O-oh, I didn't notice that." Mumbo said as he wiped the ice cream away.

The two men walked to the games district and admired all of the progress the little town was making. They sat down on the porch of Grian's unfinished mansion, that's all it was good for at this point anyway. Grian and Mumbo sat together, ones head on anothers shoulder. The night couldn't have gone better. And a love was born. Atleast for one of the two friends.


Grian walked through the hippie commune and into the garden. He was meeting up with the hermits for a picnic. It was always nice to have a get together with them, and always had some sort of crazy antics that went along with an event like this, wether it be pies in peoples faces or someone falling into a river, it was always a blast. Grian set down the cake he made, it was a little burnt but he tried his best. He excitedly waited for Mumbo to enter, He'd been interested in Mumbo ever since that day in Hermitville. His heart fluttered at the thought of it.

He also took out some sandwiches and cookies. The other hermits started to pour in, Renbob and docm77 walked in hand in hand. They had been dating for the past 2 months. Then followed the Girls, Stress, false and cleo. They're really close, being the only girls on the server. Grian enjoys joining their spa nights though. Grian turned to rearrange the snacks, then he heard an extremely familiar voice. It was deep, smooth, care-free. Mumbo. Grian whipped his head around to greet Mumbo, but his eyes fell on the figure that Mumbo had his arm wrapped around. Iskall.

Grian smiled anyway, despite the endearing pain building up in his lungs. They stung because of the lack of oxygen Grian was breathing in. He could feel the colour melting away from his face as he waved at the two men walking in, Mumbo's arm around Iskall's shoulder. Iskall's arm around Mumbo's waist.

Grian turned back around, pretending to rearrange the snacks once more. He hesrd more people pour in and Grian decided to climb the nearby tree and be alone for 5 minutes to compose himself. He overheard Mumbo and Iskall talking about their fist date, which led to a second date and so on. How could Grian not have known? Mumbo was his best friend after all. He guessed the probably kept their relationship secret until today.

Grians lungs still burned, but he was taking in
enough oxygen this time, so why did it still hurt? Grian wiped the tears forming on his cheeks as he cursed himself for not making a move on Mumbo sooner. He slapped himself across the face and told himself to pull it together. Jumping down from the tree, he walked over to the group and grabbed a paper plate, filling it with snacks before going to sit down in the circle for friends. Grian noticed Iskall's head was laid down on Mumbo's shoulder as they cuddled close to each other. His lungs stung more than ever and it felt like someone had stabbed him, but from the inside. He took a bite of his cookie, rolling his eyes out of pure jealousy. He hated being jealous, it wasnt a good look on him.

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