Eutopian Society AU 💥Angsty-ish💥

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A bit of Blood

Word count- 2653


Perfection, Another word to describe the Hermitcraft Community. A perfect Eutopian society. Everyone had a place, a job. They lived in perfect harmony. Each person got a schedule to follow and of course, they followed it.

Until he was born. Grian, The living embodiment of chaos. Everywhere he went, trouble followed. It's not like he tried to effect the perfect system on purpose. It was like second nature to him. Grian's parents tried so hard to hide it that Grian thought he was just like everyone else. And if the entire system of this community can be destroyed and demolished by a single teenage boy, It must be a sensitive system.

Grian awoke to the sun glaring through the curtains. He squinted, yawning before sitting up in his bed. Another boring day, Full of boring people. Grian's leg twitched at the thought of it. Living in the Server was bland, boring. It tired him out. Everyone else was monotone, colourless, They had no feelings, it was the same old day over and over. If Grian was honest, if he had the chance to leave he would. He slipped on the blank white shirt provided to them by their dictator, They don't know who he is, they just know he has complete power and control over every detail. He walked down the stairs, staring at his phone and nearly tripping on the last step as he cleared the stairs. He grabbed a orange bottle from the cabinet before slipping it into his pocket. He didn't know what it did but the government forced him to take it. But Grian decided today he didn't feel like taking the stupid pill. It made him feel queasy. Grian grabbed his backpack before heading off to school. His parents were busy working and the worked morning to night. The family barely saw each other. He walked down the gravel path, lined with precisely cut hedges and sprinklers dotted the lawns. He breathed in the air, it felt so, artificial. Like lies were swimming around in it.

He approached the school enterance, standing in the doorway was the one and only Mumbo Jumbo. Damn. He looked amazing. Mumbo slicked his slightly gelled hair back. There was something different about Mumbo, and that just lured Grian in closer. I guess that's why they were best friends. But they could be more. So much more. Mumbo was interesting, he was less bland. It was like Mumbo could absorb all the good things and radiate them off himself. Grian smiled as he walked up to the tall moustached man. He greeted Grian with a small smirk. Grian's hands fiddled around behind him as he smiled back to Mumbo. He could feel the life radiating off Mumbo. Like nothing bad could exsist in the world. Mumbo was too good, too forgiving.

"Hi Grian! I was wondering if you wanted to be lab partners today? Iskall is sick and I need a person to help me with the burner."

Grian's eyes shifted around, his leg was restless. He could feel the sweat forming on his hands.

"S-sure Mumbo, I h-have chemistry first today so I can totally help you out with that" Grian replied, Cursing himself at his stutter.

Mumbo smiled and thanked the smaller man. They walked into the school and headed to their class. The day went about the same as normal, except for Grian getting too distracted by Mumbo's dimples to notice the chemicals were to hot over the hot plate and they almost caught fire.

When school finished Grian waved hoodbye to his friends before walking over to a cliff near the shoreline. It was a good 5 minute walk from his house so he saw it every day on his way home from school. He took the small blue and white pill out of his pocket, staring at it before throwing it as hard as possible into the ocean. Bye Bye stupid pill. Grian's mind shifted. Throwing the pill away felt good. It was a rebelious act, but Grian had moments where he needed to rebel to feel okay. Like it was air he needed to breath. He didn't know why, but he felt different not taking the drug, like denying it unlocked a part of him he didn't know exsisted.

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