Knights AU 🌼Fluff🌼

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Hello, Honestly, I've been super inactive! I'm so sorry! And this story isn't close to making up for that. Plus it's super rushed. But I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 2604
Triggers: None

Our story begins where all great ones do. In a small village, where everyone knows everyone, and fields are scattered as far as the eye can see. And in this village, a story is just beginning to take shape.

A small boy walks into a large rustic building. His eyes settle on the large swords and weapons hung on the walls. He adjusts his baggy, worn shirt and pulls up his droopy pants. The small boy couldn't help but notice he was trembling slightly. It felt as though someone had poured cold water down his shirt on a winter day, except it was summer and there was only a slight breeze. The boy jumped when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, he whipped his head around to see a armoured person sporting a knights helmet. Grian wiggled out of the person's grasp before turning toward them.

"S-sorry Sir, I- uhm, i'm here for the squires training camp" Grian spoke softly.

The mysterious figure laughed before taking off their helmet.

"Who you callin' sir there kiddo?" The lady spoke. Her long brown hair settled around her body. She smiled at Grian, who was both shocked and embarrased.

"I'm Lady Miriam, Head of the Knights of the round table, and in charge of choosing our squires."

Grian buried his head into his palms and then looked up at her.

"I-i'm so so sorry, I was wrong to assume tha-" Grian stuttered.

"Save it kid, It's alright. But you better get going because the camp started five minutes ago" She replied, ushering Grian out the door.

Grian walks out onto a grassy field. It's filled with a bunch of young boys, and one short girl running around with wooden swords. Grian chuckled as the younger girl pinned a much larger boy to the ground. As he approached the group he realized who that boy was. Mumbo. Grian's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. His hair was messy from being tackled to the ground. A bright flush covered Mumbo's face at the sudden appearance of Grian. No girl could ever compare to how Grian made butterflies form in Mumbo's stomach.

The camp went on as planned, With the best of the best returning everyday, while the weaker children quit and never showed up. Grian wasn't the strongest, nor the biggest, but he had spirit. And smarts. He analyzed every situation thoroughly before deciding what action to take. It was the complete opposite of Mumbo. Who was both strong and much taller than most kids despite being the same age. He ran head first into battle without thinking. Which was strange, considering that in Math and Science he proved himself to be quite the critical left brain thinker. You would guess that those were the only exceptions. Other than that, Mumbo was pretty reckless. The boys' biggest competition though, was the small girl. Grian and Mumbo got to know her pretty well. Her name was Madeline Cardel, but don't let her pigtails and straight cut bangs decieve you, she was the strongest swordsman of the group.

The final day of Squires camp had arrived. Lady Miriam and the Knights of the round table had gathered with all the remaining children to choose their squires. The armoured woman stepped onto a raised wood platform.

"Congratulations on making it to the final day. I'm glad you all showed such dedication. I will now announce the Squires we believe deserve and will excel in this position, and are proper fit to take our positions as Knights upon retirement." She stated "Mumbo Jumbo, Grian Craftsworth, Madeline Cardel-" So on and so forth, until Lady Miriam had named all 12 Squires chosen. This is where our story begins.

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