Charlie and Ari Pt.2 💥Angst💥

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Sensitive topics

Word count-1126

Hope you like it. It's an attempt at angst and is a partial sequel to Charlie and Ari pt. 1

A little backstory

It had been 16 years since Grian and Mumbo had the twins. They had grown up a ton since then. The twins were now 16. Ari was like Grian, Short. She stood at around 5'2 and was quite the artist. She enjoyed art and painting. Charlie was more like Mumbo. He had even started to grow a small moustache lol. He liked computers and redstone. The twins dad's were proud of how they had grown up. After all, They were raised by two awesome dads. They call Mumbo pa, and Grian Dad. Anyway, On the the story.


Ari looked in the mirror. She brushed through her smooth black hair. Today was her and Charlie's birthday. She put on the outfit her Dad Grian gave her. A black suit and red tie. She then proceeded in the delicate task of putting on Mascara. Just as she held the brush to her eye, Charlie barges into the room causing her to get mascara all over her eyelid, Just barely missing stabbing her eye out.

"Charlie!" She yelped. Glaring at him.
Typical little brother. He was 3 minutes younger than her. And she was 100 times more mature. Charlie snickered.

"Sorry Ari. I need my tie. I think I left it in here." He replied.

Grian insisted they wear the same outfit on their birthday, This time it was inspired by Mumbo when he was younger. Mumbo wears typical dad shirts now and tucks them into his jeans. And they decided not to argue with Grian since they knew they would lose, Atleast that's what Mumbo had told them.

She handed Charlie his tie and helped him fix his messy curled hair. She was in charge of keeping him in line and looking presentable. Typical older sister duty, even if she was older by a few minutes. The two walked down to the kitchen where Mumbo was preparing breakfast. and Grian was icing a cake. Both parents turned to the twins and smiled.

"You guys look adorable" Grian said.

"Adorable? Really dad? We aren't puppies" Charlie replied smirking at his own remark.

Grian fake frowned and gave the two a hug. They proceeded to eat breakfast. They had celebrated the party a few days ago, so today was just them. And it was a school day...

Ari frowned as they entered the school. Even if she was just as smart as her dads, She still despised school. Both twins weren't too popular. So they stuck to their own little friend group. They met up with the group before class started. It involved JJ (I would asume ATLEAST one of the J's was short for Jellie, But we'll never know), The spawn of Scar and cub. Dior, Iskall and stresses son. The name is ironic because of Iskalls hatred of Diorite. Along with Fleur, Daughter of Rendog and Doc. A lot of Brithday wishes went around as soon as the twins walked up to the group of teens. Ari went to stand beside Dior and he gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Charlie rolled his eyes with a smirk. It might also be because he's jealous that his sister got a boyfriend and he was left still single. They chatted for a bit before the bell rang to head to Class. As Charlie and Ari walked to class they were stopped by Cory. His dad was none other than the infamous Samgladiator. Cory constantly found it amusing to torment the twins, Partially because of the issues Grian had with Sam. The tormenting never stopped and they felt hopeless when he hurt them. Cory often got his friends to help him or spread rumors about them. Grian left his old friends and joined hermitcraft, Sam became jealous. The twins also never told their dads about it and instead kept it bottled up inside

"Hey shorty! Over here!" He yelled.

Ari averted her eyes. Trying to walk right last him. Cory took her by the tie and lifted her up. Charlie's eyes widened. Ari coughed from lack of air.

"PUT HER DOWN CORY!" Charlie yelled, attempting and failing to get Ari down.

He dropped her and she fell onto the ground coughing loudly.

"What are you going to do about it Twat?" He spat. "Your Family genes just make you plain dumb don't they? I mean, Mumbo jumbo is your dad so I would guess. And you have two dad's! What kind of other world bull crap is that?? "

Ari could feel her face heat up. Cory was a close minded homophobe. If we think about it Cory is worse than Sam. She wanted to cry, and felt to sensitive this was the breaking point. Charlie took a breath and helped his sister up. Trying his best not to punch Cory for insulting his family. And his best not to cry as well.

They walked away quietly. Ari's neck bagan to bruise a bit throughout the day and her voice was faded. When they got home she ran past her dad's and into her room with the slam of a door. Charlie just shook his head slightly and followed. Mumbo looked at Grian with worry. They nodded and decided to follow their kids. They could hear Ari quietly sobbing through the door. And charlie trying to comfort her. But it quickly turned into a loud racket. They barge in when they hear a crash. Grian's heart does a skip when he sees A bottle of pills in Ari's hand and charlie trying to grab it. Grian runs over to Ari and snatches the bottle. Tears forming in his eyes. Grian pulls Ari into his chest and hugs her.

"What are you doing?!" He asked her. Both calmly and filled with worry.

"It hurts so bad dad..I c-can't do it. Everyone hates me. What's the p-point of living anymore" She replies, her breath hitching. Mumbo begins to tear up, hearing this from his daughter hurt him.

Mumbo and Charlie join the hug. All Grian can think about is how he had tried to do the same thing as Ari when he was around her age. Luckily his Mom stopped him before it got to far. And he's happy she did because the week after, He met Mumbo. The family sat there quietly. Letting the tension cool off. They all look to each other. And with a simple glance. They promised to each other that it would be okay.


I thought I could give angst a shot. And I'm slowly falling in love with Ari and Charlie haha. Hope you enjoyed ✌🏼😊

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