Dytopian AU 💥Angsty💥

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Word count- 607

This is just a little glimpse of what would have happened after the Eutopia AU.

The sound of gunshots rung in Grian's ears has he stood in the middle of the battle feild. He watched over the hazy landscape as the opposing side waved a white flag through the air. The war was over. They won. Grian fell to the ground, blood seeping out of the multiple bullet wounds. He was the General of the
G-team side. Some would call them rebels. The final day of battle was the harshest, Grian took multiple bullets for his soldiers, along with dragging them to where they could get medical attention. He saved 4 lives that day. Mumbo ran across the feild to where Grian laid, The last thing Grian heard was Mumbo's frantic screams for help. The tall soldier picked Grian up and ran down to the bunker where Stress was waiting with all the healing supplies. She spent 3 hours tending to Grian's wounds. And they almost lost him in the process.

Grian woke up in a random room, surrounded by machines and connected to wires of all sorts. He tried to move his arm but it was useless. No matter what part of his body he tried to move, it hurt like hell. He looked over to his left and saw Mumbo, head in his hands. Mumbo sensed the movement in the bed and looked up to see Grian staring back at him. His head was wrapped in gauze and his eye was patched up. He had more gauze wrapped around his arms.

"Hi Grian," Mumbo started, his voice raspy as if he'd been crying "We won.."

Grian smiled, They won against the Government. The people who controlled the perfect system. The people who hurt Grian, the war was a long time coming, it was expected, the system was going to crumble eventually.


Grian stood up, he had been healing for a few days at this point. He walked slowly through the bunker and noticed portraits hung up on the wall. They hung in a line, surrounded by gold frames. Each picture had a label underneath. He read each one.

TangoTek, Killed by a stray firecharge. Rest in peace.

ZombieCleo, Passed while saving Stressmonster101 from enemy fire.

Iskall85, Shot in the head while serving in the trenches.

Grian teared up, He couldv'e saved more lives. If only he had ran one more step. If only he had taken one more bullet. If only he had planned their attack better. If only he had been a better leader. He felt a hand on his back, Mumbo stood there, His eyes red from crying. They had to count the dead a few days ago, and when Mumbo found out iskall had been killed in enemy fire, he broke down. Grian turned around and buried his face into Mumbo's chest. He cried nonstop. Mumbo teared up and rested his chin on Grian's head. They both dropped to their knees, The two men stayed like that for a while.

"I-I could've saved them Mumbo. I couldh'be taken shots for them, or I could have helped themto safety. I'm a failure as a leader" Grian sobbed. He hurt. Both physically and emotionally.

"No, Grian. You aren't a failure. They knew the consequences when they signed up for the team. And don't you ever forget they did this because they knew what was right. They died heroes Gri. And now our job is to make sure their deaths were worth something."

Grian nodded. Mumbo was right. They had to rebuild the world. And the world will never be the same, but it will be a better place. And that's what counts.


Thanks for reading. Sorry about how short it is compared to the Eutopia AU. Can't wait for the next story!


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