Too cold 💧Sad💧

979 29 19

Character Death

Word count-930

Iv'e been doing a lot of fluff recently so I wanted to try something new. Enjoy the read ✌🏼🥺


A few months, That's all Grian had left. A few more months to spend alive, and with Mumbo. A few Months...

Grian stood up from his spot on the couch, placing a bookmark in his new read before running to the front door. Just as Mumbo walked in he was locked into a tight hug and a quick peck on the cheek.

"Hi gri, You feeling okay today?" Mumbo asked. He had always been worried about Grian ever since the diagnoses.

"Yeah, I'm doing okay. The nausea isn't that bad today" Grian replied, Grinning.

They Proceeded to the kitchen to eat dinner, just some leftover spaghetti from the night before. Later in the living room, Grian stroked maui's spotted fur, noticing every little detail. Grian and Mumbo sat on the couch, Watching Modern family. Mumbo ran his fingers through Grians hair. He looked at his hand, now clutching a small amount of hair from his boyfriends head. Grian sensed it and looked up at Mumbo, Flashing him a reassuring "it's okay" smile before turning his head back to the screen and taking a handful of popcorn. An alarm went off on Grian's phone after a few minutes, startling the two. He sighed and got up, walking to the bathroom and pulling out a small orange bottle from the medicine cabinet. He popped two pills into his mouth, swallowing hard with a few gulps of water before returning back to his spot with Mumbo. Grian slowly drifted off to sleep, But Mumbo was wide awake. He was staring blankly at the wall, listening to every breath Grian took. And as his eyes started to slowly drift closed he thought of one simple question,
Will he be here tomorrow?

A few months later...

Grian vommited into the toilet, his throat ached as he coughed harshly. He stood up and flushed the toilet, quickly adjusting his red  beanie in the mirror, trying to get it to warm up his now hairless head. He sighed, He looked weak. His cheeks were missing the natural pink and his body looked even smaller in Mumbo's oversized teeshirt. But his eyes, they were still a bright blue, because even when Grian felt weak and in pain, he still knew that there was beauty in the world for him to take in. He exited the bathroom and went to go change into his classic red sweater before he went to his favourite spot. Mumbo had left him breakfast, but the Cancer had rendered him to having no appetite. Grian grabbed a cracker and nibbled on it slowly as he walked to the large oak tree in their backyard. He sat on the rope swing that he and Mumbo had built for some kids they we're set to adopt a few months ago, but Grian had gotten sick and they couldn't go through with it. That part is probably what hurt the most. That instead of being stuck at home alone, he could be in a nursery with his twin babies. But they went to a different family. A good one. And that reassured him a little bit.

He sat on the swing reading for a little while, taking in the surroundings. He knew it was the end of the road. He didn't want anymore medicines, he just wanted rest. Mumbo was heartbroken but he respected Grian's decisions. They agreed to go to the hospital to monitor Grian's heart and organs until they gave out. So that Mumbo knew it was time to say goodbye. So there Grian sat, at peace with the world, listening to the parrots squak in the vast jungle around him. He was safe. And he wasn't afraid anymore.

Time skip

The monitor beeped slowly, Grians heart rate was slowly dying out. Mumbo let the tears roll down his cheeks as he sat on the edge of the bed holding Grian's hand. They stayed like that for a while, letting themselves treasure each other's presence. Grian looked up at Mumbo. He wiped away the tears rolling down his boyfriends cheeks.

"Don't cry Mumby, I'll be okay." Grian started "I don't want you to worry anymore, You're the best thing that happened to me, I love you Mumbo Jumbo, Don't you forget that"

Mumbo sobbed uncontrolably at this point, planting a kiss on Grian's soft lips before pressing his forehead against Grians. The heart monitor beeped weakly, Grian closed his eyes, feeling Mumbo's breath on his face. A tear slowly fell from his eyes. He closed his eyes listening to the monitor beep. Beep. Beep. Beep...

Then silence.

Mumbo opened his eyes, sobbing as doctors came into the room to turn off the now continuoes beep of the monitor. He held onto Grian's hand until Iskall and the other Hermits arrived to help usher him out of the room. They draped a white sheet over Grian's head.

Mumbo laid in bed, iskall had brought him home and offered to stay the night so Mumbo had company. Mumbo refused. The moustached man looked at the ceiling. Maui and pearl cuddled close to Mumbo, purring and pawing at him wondering why the spot where Grian used to sleep was empty.
Mumbo cried softly, not bothering to wipe away his tears. It was cold in their room without Grian with him. Too cold.


Imagine this scenario, It made me cry! It hurt writing this but I guess that was the point right?

See you in the next story!

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