To The Sky 🌼💥Fluff / Angst💥🌼

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Welcome to childhood Grian and Mumbo Fluff/Angst fic. Hope you enjoy

Word Count: 590
Trigger warnings: Not really.

Tysm for 5k reads!

It was the same old day. Grian would walk to his bus stop, fix his backpack since the stupid straps kept going loose. And pop a lolly in his mouth. Grian, 8 years old. He didn't know why his life was so boring, it just was. But he had a friend, His name is Mumbo. The clumsiest, lankiest 8 year old in the 3rd grade. Not to mention he wears a suit to school everyday. Why? Well Grian doesn't know. Yesterday Grian's Mom bought him a new pair of light up red sketchers. Grian adored those shoes.

He felt a tap on his shoulder as he started to board the school bus.

"Hi Mumbo! Wanna go to the park later?" Grian asked, lollipop still shoved into his mouth.

"Sure Grian!" Mumbo replied, smiling tiredly."Did you finish your Math last night?"



The school day had finally finished and Mumbo and Grian were on their way to the park. Mumbo got excited when he saw the red sweatered boy seated on the swing set, going up and down. He looked as if he was flying, Grian could touch the sky. Mumbo ran up to Grian, dropping his backpack on the ground and taking his place on the swing beside him. Grian jumped off the swing to slow down, and hopped back on. He snickered as he watched Mumbo try to get the swing going, but Mumbo just couldn't get the momentum started.

"Here Mumbo, I'll help you!" Grian smiled, Mumbo noticed the tooth that was missing on Grians top row, and remembered how excited the young boy was to loose it.

Grian pushed Mumbo on the swing, Higher and Higher. Mumbo could feel the strange feeling of his stomach twisting and turning in his body as he rocketed upwards, then flew back down. Grian then jumped onto his own swing, pushing himself up onto it and swinging his legs back and forth. Mumbo copied Grians movement and they both swang back and forth. Smiles wider than any you could ever imagine.

And in a split moment, Grian and Mumbo were going at the same pace, it was like the world was in slow motion. And Grian could see the happiness in Mumbo's eyes. His brown eyes that held eathquakes that bring mountains to their knees. And hold the greatest riches the world had ever seen. The two continued to fly high to the sky, and dipping back to the ground.

So this is what flying feels like...

2 weeks passed..

Grian walked passed the playground. The swing sets were wet from the freshly fallen rain. He stared down at his light up red sketchers, which were covered in mud. He hugged himself tightly as he wept. Letting tears roll down his fleshed out face, as the thoughts ran through his head.

'Stupid Car. Stupid Drunk Driver. Stupid world. Stupid universe. Stupid everything. I hate this. He can't be gone. He can't be. Stupid. Stupid. STUPID'

Grian kicked a rock. Before running to a tree and curling up underneath it. His sweater stuck uncomfortable to his skin. He looked up, the branches of the tree sprawled out in all directions. Mumbo always talked about climbing it, so he could fly. Or how he would build a machine one day that would get him to space, Mumbo always loved mechanics and Computers. Or how when Mumbo was on the swings, it was like touching the sky. Mumbo was never good at swinging, so maybe that meant he wouldn't be much good at flying. But...

"I hope you're flying high now Mumbo" Grian whispered.


Thanks for reading! I'm getting back into writing so I hope you enjoyed and I'll be publishing more soon. ✌🏼

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