The notebook 🌼Floof🌼

763 27 7

Triggers- None
Word count- 607

This is a high school based one

Dammit, dammit, dammit Grian thought. He paced back and forth in his room. He heard his mom call him from downstairs, he obliged and ran down the stairs, almost tripping on the last step. He opened the front door.

"Hi Iskall!" He started. "Come on, let's go to my room"

They ran back upstairs and slammed the door.

"So, I have a bit of a, uhm, predicament" Grian said

Iskall nodded as he took out the gummy bears he had brought for sustinance. Popping a few into his mouth he sat intently listening to what Grian had to say.

"Okay. Mumbo Jumbo, the cutest boy in our school, sat beside me for the lab. I may or may not have doodled some little pictures that involve hearts, intials and Mumbo's name. At the end of class he took the..wrong notebook. I HAVE to get it back before he opens it!!" Grian took a breath, that was alot to say in one breath.

Iskall stared confused at Grian. A smile forms on his face, and he bursts into laughter. Slapping his knee and rolling around on Grian's bed. He was dying of laughter.

After his laughing fit, Iskall stood up, patting Grian on the back.

"Just wait until tomorrow during Lab, then you could switch the books out before he opens it, Duh!" Iskall chuckled. Wiping tears out of his eyes from laughing too much.

Next day...

Grian sat down in chemistry class pulling out his goggles and gloves, today they were mixing some this and that together to make something, he wasn't really sure. He turns around when he hears the familiar voice of the one and only Mumbo Jumbo. He was the only senior with a full moustache. But it made him extremely attractive, What people, including Grian, didnt know about him, was that he was, well, Gay. He sat down beside Grian pulling out a notebook, He then noticed it wasn't his own, He almost opened it before a hand slapped it down. He looked over at Grian, His lab partner, in shock. Grian was a bright red and looked to warm in his oversized red sweater.

"Uhm, You okay Gri?" Mumbo said, "You seem a little flustered"

Grian grabbed at the notebook, but Mumbo was too fast, too tall. He was quite intrigued at Grian's intrest in a Science notebook, And had noticed the way Grian stared at him in class. Maybe, Just maybe this had somthing to do with it. Mumbo stood up from his lab bench, moving out into the back of the classroom, He opened the book. And inside, little scribbles of him and Grian?? Little intitals and hearts. Mumbo blushed, How cute.

Grian ran up to him, panicking slightly.

"Explain yourself" Mumbo said jokingly.

Grian rubbed the back of his head, tughing at his hair slightly.

"Well, I'm not stalking you or anything, I just wanted to take the notebook y'know, so that you don't see the little scribbles of "Mrs. Grian Jumbo or anything haha. Ha. uhm. This is awkward"

Mumbo adjusted his tie and ran his fingers through his hair. Pulling his hands down to behind his back and twiddling his thumbs.
He smirked.

"It's not awkward at all, it's actually kinda cute. I'm flattered Gri~" Mumbo said, batting his eyelashes.

And in that moment. Grian completely Melted. Damn you Mumbo Jumbo. He thought. Damn you


I wrote this at 12 am so please excuse the terrible plot line and the choppyness, I liked this idea, I just can't seem to execute it right.

Thanks, ✌🏼💖

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