The Battle 🌼Fluff🌼

570 30 7

More fluffy stuff cuz my heart needs it.

Word count-584


He shot me. Mumbo jumbo just shot me. Not cool, Mumbo, Not cool.


"GRIAN" Mumbo yelled. "Come on! We're going to be late! We're supposed to meet the others in 10 minutes!" Mumbo had come to fly with Grian to the spot they were meeting the other hermits.

Grian rushed down the stairs throwing on his battle gear, a black sweater that would replace his classic red. He was a perfectionist when it came to his wardrobe, so he had to dress for the occasion. Tucking his phone into his pocket, he jumped off the balcony deploying his Elytra.

"Hurry up Mumbyyy" Grian called.

Mumbo rolled his eyes and followed clumsily, They flew over the shopping district, picking up some coffee before flying to the spot they were supposed to meet up with the other hermits...20 minutes ago. After many apologies for being late, they entered the building. Grian's eyes lit up as he read the big sign in the main enterance.


They walked upto the checkout counter, signed in an paid the enterance fee. They chose their nicknames, Mumbo's was "KING OF AFK" And Grian's was, unsurprisingly "PESKY BIRD". The group walked into the dark room and put on their vests, Grian felt small under the weight of the heavy lazer vest, but Mumbo didn't feel a thing. It was funny the size comparison of the two, Mumbo was tall, slightly langly but buff. And Grian was short, He wasn't overly skinny but didnt have much muscle. They hear a bell whistle and the game started, They had a grace period to run away as fast as possible before the guns were activated. 3...2...1...Grian took a shot straight to the back, he countered, hitting iskall right in the shoulder. Ducking behind a corner as he spotted stress, he fired hitting stress and gaining another point. The game kept on going for a while, Grian was racking up points quickly. He was agile and stealthy, rolling like a super spy in a james bond movie. Just then his gun vibrated, The tiny screen on it read You were shot in the back by Diorite sucks!. Iskall. Grian thought as he ran away. He turned left and was faced with a dead end, Grian heard thumping coming towards him. This is the end for me. Grian backed toward the wall until his back was pressed against it. Mumbo appeared around the corner, Walking slowly toward Grian as if he was easy prey. Mumbo used one hand to lean on the walk so that he was towering over Grian's head. Grian closed his eyes, accepting his fate. Suddenly he felt a pair of lips press against his own. He kissed back ignoring the danger he was in. They parted, inhaling like it was their first breath. Mumbo looked at Grian, Smirked, then proceeded to shoot Grian in the stomach, walking away right after. Grian was left alone and speechless. His gun read "You were shot in the heart by The King of AFK" He could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks and had little butterflies swarming his stomach. But then he realized the more important situation. He shot me. Mumbo jumbo just shot me. Not cool, Mumbo, Not cool.

Sorry it's a bit short but I thought it was a cute scenario. Credits to whoever wrote the concept I found online about this.

Thanks. 💖

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