In the dead of night 🌼Fluff🌼

597 22 0

Triggers- None

Word count- 691


The best idea's come at night. When your wide awake in your bed, and it hits you, That missing piece of the puzzle. The finishing touch that would make it perfect. Mumbo tossed in bed, He sat up. He had a brilliant idea and he couldn't sleep until he went through with it. He got out of bed, slipping on his suit and tie before rushing out of his room and into his base. He had figured out what was wrong with his pumpkin farm and he had some improvements to make too. Mumbo grabbed his redstone box and swam down into his base. He entered through the acacia doors and dried off before starting work. It was around 1 am and he was busy tinkering away at the redstone. A torch here a piston over there. It was 3 am in the morning at this point, Mumbo needed sleep. He could barely keep his eyes open, but he was determined to finish off his contraption.

Grian flew over Mumbo's base. He had woken up from a nightmare and he wanted someone to be with. Grian was like a 5 year old, he needed company when he was afraid. Grian landed in Mumbo's treehouse but was shocked to find the moustached man wasn't in bed where he should be. Grian searched the base, wondering where Mumbo was. Until he went into Mumbo's underground base. Grian jumped into the fridgid water and swam down. He entered the Acacia doors to see if Mumbo was awake working on his redstone contraptions. And there he sat, asleep, head resting on a stone slab, Mumbo. His face had restone dust speckled on it, his hair was messy and his suit jacket was lying on the ground, The cuffs of Mumbo's white undershirt were stained with red powder. Grian smiled, Mumbo looked adorable. He went to sit beside Mumbo and rested his head on the taller mans shoulder. Grian's eyes drifted closed and he fell asleep.


Grian woke up. He was still lying on Mumbo's shoulder, but he had a jacket draped over him and an arm around him. Mumbo was asleep, resting his head on Grian's. The torches had burnt out by this point and the room was lit only by a few redstone torches. It was silent, Grian could hear Mumbo's breathing. It was steady and calm. Soon enought, Grian's head lolled and he fell back asleep.

7:00 am

Mumbo woke up, He positioned the shorter mans head so that he could be more comfortable. He noticed it was getting really cold down in his base and he didn't want any of them to catch a cold. Being sure not to wake Grian, He slipped out of Grian's arms that were wrapped around his torso. He placed Grian's head on a slab so it was a little more comfortable than lying flat on the ground. He swam up to his base, grabbing a bed and some pillows before swimming back down to where Grian was sleeping. Mumbo placed the bed and lifted the red sweatered man on to it before placing a warm blanket on Grian to keep him warm. He then made himself a bed on the ground, he placed some pillows and a duvet where he could sleep. He adjusted the blanket on Grian so that it covered him up to his shoulders and as he moved his hand away he felt Grian grab onto his hand. Holding it tightly. Mumbo's mouth creeped up in a smirk, he laid in his bed still clutching Grian's hand. Grian stirred in his sleep, Mumbo noticed Grian was probably dreaming.

"I love you Mumby~" Said a groggy voice. Mumbo looked over, Grian was wide awake staring at him. Grian buried his head in his free hand, the other still holding on to Mumbo's. The tension in the air was unbearable while Mumbo thought of a reply.
Instead, Mumbo sat up. He leaned over to where the bed and kissed Grian's soft lips.
When they parted Mumbo whispered a simple phrase.

"Thank god that pumpkin farm stopped working"


Yes, Yes I know how cheezy this is. I had an idea I just didn't really know how to go about writing it and I was worried because I usually post everyday of two. So I needed to write this asap.

Thanks again for reading!

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