Impossible 🌼Fluff🌼

698 20 9

This one is funny, I like it.
Triggers- None
Word count-544

Day after day Grian stood there. Wondering why in the world he couldn't accomplish this one task. The task was simply impossible. Dammit it was ruining him. The clock ticked by and Grian tried harder and harder to complete the feat of strength that was holding him back. He turned to the front door of his base and launched off the ground, flying toward his boyfriend, Mumbo's base. If anyone could help him, It would be Mumbo. Grian dove toward the center of Mumbo's base, spotting the tall, moustached man sorting through his system, clearly looking for something.

Grian landed gracefully next to Mumbo, who had his head buried in a chest. Grian tapped Mumbo on the back which startled him, causing him to hit is head on the chest above.

"Ow! Oh gosh." Mumbo yelped. "O-oh hi Gri, How long have you been standing there?"

"Not long, I need help Mumby!" Grian said, Frustration spreading across his face. "I can't do this! It's killing me alive"

Grian handed Mumbo a jar of peanut butter.

"Open this. I've been trying for 3 DAYS" Grian cried.

Mumbo chuckled and grabbed the jar from Grian.

"Say please first!" Mumbo demanded. "My goodness Gri did anyone teach you about manners"

"Wow sOrry Dad (OR DADDY- K I'll stop now) " Grian remarked sarcastically. "Pretty please Mumbyyyy"

Mumbo grabbed the lid of the peanut butter jar and twisted. The lid wouldn't budge one inch. He tried again, using every bit of his strength. But the lid wasn't giving in. Mumbo looked at Grian in embarrasment. How could he show he was so weak with his Boyfriend around?!

Grian smirked at Mumbo, And grabbed the peanut butter jar. He shuffled around Mumbo's storage system, finding the gunpowder and sand chest. Grian let out a sinister laugh. He crafted tnt and they flew to a remote island south of Mumbo's base. Grian placed the jar of peanut butter in the middle of a circle of tnt. He ignited it and stepped back. The pair watched as the explosion blew up the terrain around the jar. When the smoke cleared. The two stood in shock at the scene before them. There it was. The peanut butter jar. Ungrazed and perfect.

Grian walked up to the jar, kicking rocks as he made his way up to the center of the explosion. He picked up the jar and stared at it, his mind was blank as he looked longingly at the jar. Damn, can't a man just make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He examined the jar wondering why in hel it couldn't be opened.

Mumbo walked up to Grian, He pat the smaller man on the back as they both lost all hope in themselves that they could open the jar. Grian looked at the lid. His eyes widened, there, in bright red ink, on the top of the jar, was the words

'Turn this way to open'

Grian twisted the jar left instead of the way they had been turning the lid for the past 4 hours. It opened with a satisfying pop noise.

"So, PB and J's for dinner tonight?" Grian asked with a smile spread across his face.

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