"You still have that?"💥Angst💥

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Enjoy the story everyone!!

Trigger warnings: That would spoil the fun!
Word count: 1672


The sound of the School bell snaps Grian out of his thoughts. He starts to pack up his things into his backpack before heading out the door.
As he walks through the hallways he notices girls whispering and boys acting like idiots.
He had to remind himself that at 14, the human brain isn't developed as much as his might be. He acts much older than 14 given his age and stature. Short. Very Short. The winter air fills up his lungs, sending a shiver up his spine. Of all the days to forget a jacket, it had to be on one of the colder days of winter. The freshly fallen snow clashed with the gray storm clouds that hung limply above the landscape. Grian began his walk home. It was an half an hour walk back to his place and he wasn't going to survive the weather wearing just a red sweater. It wasn't the thickest fabric either. Wool doesn't retain as much warmth as Grian had hoped. Just as he left school campus he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around at the sound of the familiar voice.

"Gri, Where in the world is your coat? You're going to get sick" Mumbo asked, clearly concerned.

"Didn't bring one, It wasn't that bad this morning Mumby!" Grian whined, still feeling cold.

Mumbo unzipped his top layer jacket and then zipped up his second layer. The top layer was waterproof and a lot warmer than the bottom. Which looked to be a fleece lined hoodie. Not warm enough for a day like this, but enough to keep Mumbo warm as he handed Grian the top layer jacket he was wearing.

Grian's eyes widened in surprise before trying to hand the jacket back to Mumbo.

"Mumbo you're going to get sick. I can't let you give me your coat. It was my fault, put it back on. Please" Grian complained.

Mumbo shook his head in disapproval before pretending to take the jacket back. Then before Grian could react he swung the large coat around Grian, and not letting go until Grian pulled his arms through the sleeves and zipping up the jacket.

"I don't care if I get a little cold, I have more mass, which means more warmth. You can barely keep yourself warm considering you're a twig!" Mumbo teased.

He was right, Mumbo was much larger than all the freshman at Hermitville High School. Even at 14 he was the size of most average adults and had pretty much finished growing.
Grian on the other hand, he had muscles, but they weren't as large or prominent as Mumbo's. His arms were toned, and he was short. So Mumbo was in fact correct. He did have more body mass than Grian.

"Fine." Grian Pouted "But I owe you okay. And i'll give it back"

Mumbo smiled and wrapped his arm around Grian. They walked home, talking about anything and everything before parting ways half way in between their houses. They lived 6 houses down from eachother. As soon as Grian walked through the door and into his room he jumped onto his bed, burying his head in a pillow and screaming in pure joy. He cuddled into Mumbo's extremely over sized jacket. Grian felt soothed as he smelled the Pine scented shampoo Mumbo used resonating in the jacket. And soon Grian had fallen asleep. Still curled up under the Black, puffy, fur-lined jacket.


Graduation day. Grian buttoned up his suit and threw on his Grad cap before rushing into the car. High school had flown by in a flash and he knew he was going to get emotional. Grian pulled out his notecards, practicing his valedictorian speech in the car as they approached the venue. As soon as his family pulled up Grian leapt out of the car and ran up to Mumbo, who he had spotted in the crowd. And pulled the tall man into a hug. Grian and Mumbo had started dating in sophomore year and had been going strong for the last 2 years.

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