When Your Demons Wake 💥💧Angsty and Sad💧💥

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This one is inspired by a story I wrote in the 7th grade. I liked writing it but it's not for the sensitive.

Word count- 1463
Trigger warnings-

Happiness. The best emotion. All Grian ever felt was Happiness. Most were envious of him, he was constantly smiling, laughing even. What people would give to be as happy as Grian. Day after day, he would wake up, a smile gleaming across his fave as he greeted the day. Then he met Mumbo, And now his happiness was filled with more. It was filled with love, Passionate, burning love. Mumbo made him whole, and the non-exsistent sadness was sure to be completely destroyed.

Until that day. The day that would change everything. Grian remembers it like it was yesterday. And he wished he could forget it.

Grian walked into Mumbo's base. His eyes gleaming with pure sunshine. The smile spread across his face couldn't compare to anyone elses. He strolled through the hobbit hole and up the ladder. As he made his way down he wondered where Mumbo was. They were supposed to meet up to talk about Grumbot things, but Mumbo never showed. Grian stepped out of the elevator. Looking down at his feet to make sure he had correct footing. When he looked up his face shifted into a look of horror.

Mumbo's face was blank. His body swayed under the control of the rope. His eyes were gray and dull. Bruises ran around his neck as he hung there, all life drained from his body. Grian fell to his knees. He couldn't feel anything. But he could feel everything at the same time. Grian's smile faded, his eyes went dark. That's when the screaming started. That's when the demons woke up. Grian's throat dried up, his tears flooded his face, making his cheeks red and rashy. He was curled up in a corner. His head ducked down into the ground as he shook, not daring to turn and look at Mumbo's body. It sent chills up his spine. Grian sniffed.

"Y-you should have told me Mumby, If I knew you had your own demons to fight I would have been there...Why did you leave me behind?" Grian sniffled.

That was 4 months ago. Grian never gained his smile back. Nobody was couragous enough to take the rope down. It still hung there to this day, rough and scratchy. Grian would mumble to himself. Everyone else wanted him to be happy again, Grief wasn't something the Hermitcraft Server experienced often. Nobody knew how to approach Grian. Today, Grian was curled up in a corner, rocking back and forth. His frail, malnourished hands covered his ears. Trying to block out the screaming he heard constantly. The wailing was his own, from that day. The memories played over and over in his head non-stop.

Iskall walked into Grian's Hobbit hole. He saw the small, scrawny man curled up in the corner. Tears streaked his face. Iskall ran up to his best friend, Grian looked up and frowned.

"I told you before iskall. Leave me alone. Please." Grian hissed.

"I just wanted to check on you buddy. Everyone's been wondering where you are" Iskall said gently.

"I SAID GO AWAY ISKALL" Grian screamed as he hurled a punch at Iskalls stomach.

Iskall dodged, grabbing Grian's hand. The smaller man looked up and expected to see Iskalls disgusted scowl. But what he saw shocked him. Iskall's face was full of empathy.

"Okay, I'm sorry Gri- Come back when you can okay? We miss your smiles y'know"

And with that Iskall turned around and left. Grian stood in shock and dismay. He almost hurt the only person that still cares about him. What's wrong with him. He stood up and walked to his single bed. It used to be a double but the spot Mumbo used to fill was too empty. So Grian got rid of the other bed. He stared at his side table, where a picture of him and Mumbo was placed. They were so full of life. Grian's arms were wrapped around Mumbo's neck as they danced in the middle of a flower feild. Even to this day, Grian never regained the sparkle in his eye that remained locked in that picture. A constant reminder of what he'd lost. Or what he'd failed to protect. Grian sighed as he laid down in the cold clutches of his mansion. His head felt light and hazy. All he could do was hope the screams would fade away. Sleep couldn't even stop the constant howl of pain and regret that replayed over and over in Grian's mind. He'd done so much as pound his head against a concrete wall before. But that had no effect.

His eyes felt heavy as he shifted around on the bed. Grian let his eyes fall and let himself slip away into a slumber. His breathing was still uneven from the crying.


Grian was up somewhere high. The sky around him was hazy and grey. Almost as if the clouds had come down and created light fog, or maybe, he'd gone up to them. Grian could hear his feet tapping on the hard surface underneath him. As he continued walking he noticed a figure in the mist standing near a ledge. It was wearing a black suit jacket, exactly like Mumbo's. Grian watched as the figure started to come into view. It looked like Mumbo, but the hair was completely off. The figure that stood there had a messy mop of hair. As Grian got closer he noticed the figure staring out at the view. The fog had started to clear. A pang of fear struck Grian as he watched the figure start to shuffle his toes onto the ledge. The person jumped, just as Grian reached out to touch them. The small man watched helplessly as the black coated figure plummeted to the ground. The jacket started to slip off as the figure fell, revealing what the person was wearing underneath-

Grian woke up. His heart pounding loudly in his ears. His head shot around to look at his surroundings. It was just a dream. He thought as he got out of bed and slipped on his red sweater. It was bigger on him than it usually was. Grian hadn't been eating right after Mumbo died. Suddenly, He heard screaming. It was louder than usual, it hurt his head. Grian was stuck in an infinite loop of agony, having to listen tothe agonizing screams that continued to fill his head. Grian felt a chill go up his spine and grabbed a coat from the closet.

His eyes started to tear up as he noticed what, No- Who's coat it was. He recognized the familiar scent of the Jacket. A black suit jacket, it smelled like pine after a rain storm. Mumbo gave it to him after a month of being together. He wrapped the jacket around his shoulders before exiting his hobbit hole. The world was hazy, with light fog. The screaming started to get louder, It was enough to make someones ears bleed. Imagine someone screaming, multipy that by 10 and imagine it playing on repeat every waking hour of your day. That's the torture Grian had to endure day after day. The small man flew to his mansion, still wrapped in Mumbo's jacket. He reached the tallest tower, it hung over the ground below. Grian heard the familiar click of his feet against the dark prismarine roof. He had heard it before, like in the recent past. But he couldn't remember when.

Grian looked through the light fog that hung over the server that day. He clung onto the jacket for warmth as he approached the ledge of the tower. The screams quieted, Grian could hear his heart beat, his heavy breathing, the slight breeze that blew past his ears.

Grian's toes left the edge. He plummeted downward quickly, but it felt like slow motion. Mumbo's black jacket flew off of Grian as he descended closer and closer to the ground. That's when it hit him. The dream. He was the figure in the mist. The person in the dream wore the identical red sweater. They had the identical mop of hair. They felt the same pain. They were going to meet the same fate. Because they are the same person.

He caught a glimpse of the other side. He saw Mumbo, smiling. It was over in a second. All the pain ceased to exsist.

The world was quiet here.


That's that. I hope I did okay with this one. I know suicide is a serious topic. I owe you guys a lot of fluff and stuff after this huh? Thanks for reading!

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