Dapper gentleman 🌼Fluff🌼

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Trigger warnings- This is super cliche and typical lol
Word count- 591


Tonight was the night. Doc and Ren were about to get married. Xisuma felt like a proud dad, The other hermits were estatic. It was a good day. Grian sadly, Did not have a date.

Mumbo buttoned up his dapper black suit. He replaced his typical red tie with a Jet black one that made him look like a super spy.
I don't have a date, So I guess my tie doesn't have to match anyones outfit right?
He sighed. He wasn't the only one without a date, but all of the people going alone were just friends. Except one. Grian. The red sweatered blondie. Mumbo's heart fluttered thinking about him. God Grian made him so happy. Mumbo slicked back his raven hair with some gel before heading out. There was a slight breeze as he exited his base. A perfect day for wedding bells to ring. Equipping his elytra, Mumbo clumsily launched miself off the ground heading in the direction of Grians base. He just wanted a quick flyover to see what his crush was wearing. He flew slowly over Grian's base peering down to get a glimpse of the small man. There he was. In a white shirt and red suit-vest. He looked incredibly attractive. His messy blonde hair was tamed and combed nicely, and he wore some black pants to match his outfit.
Ugh Grian why must you do this to me.
Mumbo pondered. Blushing slightly. He turned back and flew toward Hermitland. Ren insisted in getting married in hippieland, Surrounded by flowers in the garden. It looked like a scene from a fairy tale.

Mumbo started his descent slowly, tripping up over his pant leg as he landed. Stress was there already, rocking her bright fuscia dress and small flower pin in her dark brown hair.

"Oh! Hi Mumbo! Had a bit of a fall there love? My, My what we ever should we do with you?" She giggled.

Mumbo stood up smirking. He greeted some of the other hermits as they started to pour in. Then, he looked up, seeing a familiar red vest and recognizing the unique flying pattern of his best friend, Grian. Of course, Grian decided to be extra. Doing a few loops and spins before landing perfectly beside the (Now blushing) moustached man.

"Hi Mumby!" He greeted. "Looking dapper I see"

Mumbo smiled slightly. "Thanks Gri, Not looking too bad yourself" He replied.

Picking up some grass, He sprinkled it in stresses hair. He thought it would cause a good laugh.

"Oh! No! Griannnn, Why me?? Why not Mumbo?" She said, struggling to dust the grass from her hair.

".....Because I love Mumbo" Grian said to himself. Wait. Did I just say that outloud??

"WHAT??" Stress yelled. Her face looking super shocked.

Mumbo whipped his head around. Thoughts racing. Grian had just said he loved him. It had to be a joke. It had to. Mumbo went up to Grian. Looking straight into his eyes. Full of lust.

"You l-love me?" He started, Hands trembling slightly.

"Well yeah..And uhm, More than a friend?" Grian replied, It sounded more like a question.

Mumbo leaned in.

"So, I guess you're my date to the wedding huh?" Mumbo asked. Grian didn't reply, instead he gave Mumbo a quick kiss, grabbing on to Mumbo's hair. Mumbo's moustache tickled Grians top lip a bit. But it couldn't have been better.

"Of course, My dapper gentleman." Grian whispered.


Not my favourite if I'm honest. Anyway, Thanks for reading! 💙✌🏼

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