Forgetting 💧Sad💧

503 20 6

Trigger warnings-
It's just kinda sad

Word count-1170


Grian walked up to the large, modern building. He clutched a brown paper bag full of sweet strawberry tarts. He entered through the sliding doors and the atmosphere around him shifted. It was colder. As if Death lingered around every corner. Grian walked up to the check im desk, Greeting the nice lady that worked there. She handed him a clipboard to sign and nodded as she opened the small detector gate. Grian smiled back and made his way through, greeting some of the staff that worked at the facility. They recognized him immediatly since he's been there so often recently. He knew exactly where to go. Room 189.

He knocked on the door and recieved the usual "It's open" in response. He entered the room slowly and smiled as he saw a familiar moustached man sitting by the window on an armchair, cup of tea in hand.

"Hi Mumby." Grian said, grinning with delight.

"Hi Gri. Are those what I think they are?" Mumbo gleamed as he eyed the paper bag. Grian skipped over to Mumbo and opened it revealing the sweet treat inside. Mumbo's mouth watered. He smiled fondly and gave Grian a kiss.

Grian sat on the floor facing Mumbo. He looked up at his husband. Worry filled his body. That's all he does now a days, He worries. Grian's thoughts were interupted by Mumbo shaking his head vigourously and blinking hard. He looked at Grian and raised an eyebrow.

"W-who are you?" Mumbo asked, clearly puzzled by the man sitting on the ground near him.

"Hello Mumbo, My name is Grian. I'm your husband." Grian started. "You may not remember me but you will soon, don't worry."

Mumbo shifted in his seat, he shot Grian a confused look and took a bite out of the strawberry tart he was holding. Grian decided he would exit the room, It hurt too much. Knowing that Mumbo forgets about him all the time makes Grian upset.

Schizophrenia, That's what Mumbo has. It causes him to forget things and occasionally hallucinate. It was dangerous. So Mumbo was kept in a safer place, Grian hated that Mumbo couldn't stay home with him. He had to be safe, so he was stuck in a place that could never feel like home. Grian always came to visit Mumbo but it was never the same. Sometimes Mumbo wouldn't know who Grian was when he entered the room on his daily visits. Mumbo was on medication most of the time, it made him impulsive and sometimes even angry. He would snap at Grian all of a sudden and it would cause tension between them. Grian always understood though, he was always supportive. But it just hurt so bad to see the man he loved suffer and be treated like a child all of the time.

A few months later...

Grian sat up in bed, it was 10:00 am and he was going to be late for work. He got dressed as fast as possible before giving Maui a quick scratch on the ear and exiting the house. He locked the door behind him and rushed to work. As he drove he realized he wouldn't have time to visit Mumbo today. He tried to ignore the guilt as he drove.

Mumbo will be okay without me for a day
Grian thought. He pulled into the parking lot of the architecture office he worked at. His heart beat quickly as he entered through the elevator. He had never been late before and he really didn't want this to be the first time.

After Grian finished his tasks at work he packed up to go home. He thought of visiting Mumbo before he went home but visiting hours were almost over. Grian checked his phone. 5 missed calls from the facility Mumbo was staying at. Dammit. My ringer was on silent the whole day. Grian cursed himself mentally. Worry ran through his body as he shoved the leftover papers into his bag and running out the door. He called the facility as he drove.

"Hello, This is Grian. I'm Mumbo Jumbo's Husband. I'm so sorry I missed your calls. What h-happened?" Grian said, his voice cracking at the thought of the worst.

"Oh, Hello sir. Your husband refused his medications today. He ended up injuring one of our staff members out of anger. We decided to put him in the Padded cell so he could cause no damage to us of himself" The lady on the phone replied.

Grian started to tear up. He should have been there to reason with Mumbo. It was all his fault. He rushed into the building, storming past the other people entering and exiting the building. As soon as he cleared the security gate he broke off into a sprint. He burst into the door of Mumbo's usual room. Expecting to see him sitting there peacefully. But he wasn't there. He looked around frantically then remembered that Mumbo was moved to the padded room. Grian was so worried that Mumbo was scared being in a small space all alone. He ran up to the second level of the building before asking the help desk where he could find Mumbo. They led Grian to a small room with a circular window in the door. Grian walked in after unlocking the door. He saw Mumbo sitting in a corner, curled up in a ball. Grian rushed over to his husband and touched his back.

"Hey Mumbo. It's me. I'm so sorry." Grian apologized. Mumbo looked up at Grian with red eyes.

"W-where were you?" Mumbo asked.
"Th-They said that I keep forgetting everything. That soon I was going to lose my memories of everything I love. That the best thing for me was to take me off the meds that helped me remember. I agreed, they stopped giving me medicine. I'm going to forget everything Gri... "

Grian stared silently, thinking of the next right thing to say. He hugged Mumbo, letting himself sink into the familiar shape of Mumbo's body. Grian sobbed into Mumbo's shoulder.

"Even if you forget me Mumby, I'll always love you. And i'll just make you fall in love with me again, just like I fell in love with you." Grian's voice was muffled by the fact he was talking into Mumbo's shoulder. He shifted so he could rest his head on Mumbo's chest as they laid down in the blank white padded room. Grian could hear the thump of Mumbo's heart.

"I love you Gri." Mumbo whispered. "And i'll never stop"

Mumbo blinked. He shook his head a bit and tried to take in his surroundings. Grian sat up and looked at Mumbo.


"Uhm, Who are you?" Mumbo asked.

Grian sniffed and rubbed his eyes to make it look less like he just cried, he smiled fondly.

"Hi, My names Grian. What's yours?"


So that's that! I don't hate this one tbh. Thanks for reading!

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