Fireworks 🌼Fluff🌼

902 27 2

Triggers- Well, No

Word count- 751


The moon shone brightly tonight. It was the annual Hermitcraft fireworks and flight show. Grian slipped on his uniform. He was one of the performers tonight. As he stared in the mirror at the sleek red outfit, He couldn't help but feel excited. He and a few of the other hermits were recruited for the show. Grian, Being the best flier, was in charge of choreography. He did a last glance at himself, tidying up some unruly hairs before exiting his base. There was no wind on the summer night, it was the perfect condition for the show.

Grian landed on the shore of the shopping district where all the other hermits were gathered, each with their own camp chairs and snacks. Grian smirked a little, there was Mumbo, in his matching red uniform. It was Grians idea to recruit Mumbo for the show. Which was a bad idea, but nobody else was available for practice, so Mumbo was the only option.

Mumbo jogged up to Grian, Fixing his dark, raven- hair before he reached his friend. He smiled.

"Hi Mumby, You ready for the show?" Grian asked, crossing his arms in an attempt to look cool, and less nervous.

"Hah, Ready as i'll ever be" the moustached man replied.

They went off to the launch area, meeting up with Xisuma and False. The four did final checks on their elytra and rockets stocked up in their inventory. They heard the cue to ready their wings.

"Hello fellow Hermits!!" Rendog announced. "Welcome to the show! I can't wait to see what we have in store, I would like to thank iskall for helping me set up the automatic firework dispensers. Lets get this party started!"

The Hermits cheered as the first firework flew into the sky, glistening above the pitch black ocean. More fireworks followed, exploding with a satisfying bang. The fireworks began to slow, this was the teams cue to start launching. Grian was up in the air within seconds, followed by X, false than lastly, Mumbo. Grian started off slow, doing a barrel roll and diving down toward the water. At the last moment he pulled up, earning a gasp from the crowd. The others followed his lead, attempting to copy the moves. Next was a triple loop, and of course, Grian executed it to perfection. Mumbo stumbled a bit, just barely making it out of his third loop. The team then split up into 2 and 2 in the air. They flew down and turned back up, criss crossing in the middle, fireworks trailing behind them. Mumbo, amazed by the sight, Wasn't paying much attention to what was in front of him. He ended up crashing straight into Grian. Luckily they weren't going too fast, they were going slow enough for Mumbo to see Grians panicked, but also slightly blushing face as the plummeted toward the ocean. When they hit the water, Mumbo kept a hold of Grians hand, and helped swim up. When they hit the surface both men gasped taking in as much air as they could before swimming back to the beach. Mumbo pulled Grian out of the water, Quickly picking up his jacket and draping it over Grians shoulders.

"I'm sorry Gri, I know how much this meant to you" Mumbo apologized, mentally cursing himself.

"It's okay mumbo, To be honest, it added some excitement huh?" Grian said, chuckling.

The other Hermits gathered around the pair, making sure they were okay. After they dried up, Mumbo and Grian laid on the beach staring up at the stars.

Mumbo couldn't shake what Grian's face looked like when they collided. He looked flushed, as if being near Mumbo made him warm and fuzzy inside. Maybe just maybe Grian liked him. Maybe. Those questions were wuickly answered when Grian pulled Mumbo close. He could feel Grians hot breath on his face.

"Hey, sorry for bumping into you" He whispered. "But hey, seeing your face made me remember what I planned to do once the show was over"

Grian stood on his tip toes and kissed Mumbo, A slight smirk forming as he remembered the other hermits were watching.

They pulled away after a good few seconds.

"I think i'm seeing fireworks Gri" Mumbo whispered, before going in for another kiss.


Again, Not my favourite one so far. I'm working on it though. I desperatly need Coffee and some inpiration so if you could drop some requests that would be great!!

Thanks y'all 😊

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