The Record Player 🌼Fluff🌼

783 29 3

Triggers- No
Word count- 546


Mumbo's pov

I quickly stock the observers at Sahara before anyone finds out that I had procrastinated until the last minute to stock these up. Classic spoon moment. I thought to myself as I unload the last of the stock. I equip my elytra and fly back to my base, shulker boxes in hand. As I fly over Grian's base I notice the red sweatered man push a rather well hidden lever and enter a room. I was intrigued, so I decided to descent down into Grian's base for a visit.

Grian's pov

My masterpiece was complete. I add the finishing touches to the room before I take a step back, adding the final detail, a record player, right in the middle. It may not look like much, but this is the best room in my base. I had gotten the idea to make it after I got bored watching Mumbo and iskall do redstone at Sahara. As you may guess, it's my own private dance party room, filled with parrots. Perfection. I flick the lever to open up the door to the secret room and it closes behind me with some satisfying piston noises. It's typical Grian redstone, Confusing, Messy and as simple as possible. It works, so I won't be too picky. I place a record on the player and start the music. I, of course am alone, therefore there is NOBODY to judge me. I start slow moving my hands up and down in the air. And start going faster, flailing my arms and legs around like I was all alone in the world, which technically I was. The music was blasting, the parrots were dancing, nothing could be better.

3rd Person Pov

Mumbo studies the lever, He flicks it and it opens up to a long corridor. He hears music coming from the end of it. Mumbo enters the piston door and studies the un-hidden redstone around it. Typical Grian He thought as he looks at the mess of redstone dust and torches everywhere. Mumbo proceeds down the corridor, the music getting louder. He wondered what Grian was up to as he approached the light at the end of the hall. He reaches the end, peeking his head around the corner, and to his amusement, Grian was unsurprisingly dancing like a maniac surrounded by parrots. He chuckled, ducking back behind the corner. Mumbo stands up, fixing his hair and tie before revealing himself. Grian turns his head and jumps back in shock. Shoot Mumbo's here, and is watching me dance, and oh god this is embarrasing. Why does he have to look so good? Ughh kill me. Grian's mind raced as he decided his next move. He quickly shut of the music and stared at mumbo, he could feel the blood rushing through his face, making him feel warm.

"Ahem, H-hi Mumbo!" Grian said. "I w-was just uhm, well, you see-"

Mumbo walked up to Grian, the side of his mouth turning up a little bit.

"Mind if I join you?" Mumbo asked, smirking, making Grian swoon over his dimple.

"S-sure" Grian replied, gleaming back at Mumbo.


This is totally possible to be honest with you, Hah I can already imagine Grian doing this.

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