Helpless 💧💥Angsty and Sad💥💧

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I have a weak spot for the sad stories, Thought I could base one around the war.


Word count- 434, short, sorry about that

The war was over, finally. Grian, the commander and leader of the G team had to count the killed and wounded. He looked up at the clear blue sky. It clashed with the war zone beneath it. He walked passed the dead bodies of each hermit, some of them, unrecognizable. And in between two large flickering flames, he saw him. Molebo Gumbo himself. Grian broke off into a sprint, tears filling his eyes. He was okay, Mumbo was okay. Grian had been worried sick after the firearms were released and he had lost hold if Mumbo's hand. Suddenly, He saw a stray fire charge, heading right for Mumbo. Grian quickened his pace screaming and pleading at Mumbo to get out of the way. Mumbo turned around and smiled at Grian, not realizing the danger he was in. I'm not going to reach him Grian thought, and with that the firecharge hit Mumbo, blasting him and Grian through the air.
Grian woke up, the pain in his leg was unbearable. He opened his eyes slowly and the bright light hurt his head. He was on the ground, somewhere on the battle feild, surrounded by fire. He heard a cough beside him, Mumbo jumbo, His face bloodied and battered, His uniform soaked in his own blood.

"M-mumbo?" Grian whispered. "Mumbo hang on okay, The team is coming to help us"

Mumbo coughed, blood spilling out of his mouth. Grian crawled over, dragging his injured leg behind him he could feel the bloodloss weakening him by the second. He took Mumbo's hand. Teary eyed as he confessed everything to his best friend, and love interest.

"I love you Mumbo, I always have okay? You can't leave me, please, not now." Grian sobbed as Mumbo went limp in his arms as Mumbo's final words slipped his lips.

"I feel the same Gri-" Mumbo smiled as he succombed to his injuries.
His last thought was of Grian's lips. He felt Helpless. Grian let out a painful, blood curdling scream as he cried. All Grian could hear was ringing. It filled his ears, causing his head to hurt. He couldn't do anything to help Mumbo, to stop the pain. He was, to put it frankly, Helpless. The ringing had stopped, replaced by a brutal silence, then, all Grian could see was darkness.


This one is iffy, I think it's way too short but I just didn't know how to make it longer. Thanks for reading.

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