Time Alive 🌼Fluff🌼

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This story is before hermitcraft. I like to think this is where they learned all their minecraft knowlege.

Triggers- None
Word count- 1006
He steps off the plane and into the airport. It was chilly compared to the heat of the outside. As he walks to the exit he sees the cab that would take him to his dorm. Grian's first day without Mumbo. This was going to be rough.

Time skip...

Grian unpacks his stuff into the plain boring dormitory of The Hermit school of Architecture. He hangs up a calendar, His first day of classes was circled in bright red. Grian sighed. He missed Mumbo already, But they were across the server from eachother. Grian applied and was accepted into the university of architecture. Whereas Mumbo was accepted into the University of Redstone Sciences. As he added the finishing touches to his room, he pulled out a picture of him and Mumbo in their favourite picnic spot, the flower feild just south of Grian's base. Grian grinned as he set the frame down on his nightstand before getting ready for bed. He slipped on his red shirt and flannel pyjama pants before slipping into the covers. He pulled out his phone, sending a quick text to Mumbo before drifting to sleep.

"Hey Mumby, I miss you. How's your first night there?" 11:26 pm

Grian woke up to the alarm clock blaring loudly, He opened his eyes slowly as they adjusted to the light, the sun glaring through the curtains as he sat up and checked his phone. No messages. He was dissapointed but knew Mumbo was busy so he sent another text.

"Hi, I know your busy, Text me back when you can okay? I love you." 7:02 am

He slipped his phone into his pocket and began the tedious routine of combing out his hair, if he combed it too harshly it would get all frizzy and look like he stuck his hand in an electrical socket. Same old morning routine after that, Brush teeth, breakfast, Pack bags and lunch. By the time Grian was done he had barely enough time to get down to his first class. He checked his online schedule, First course, Ancient Architecture, Room 45. He ran across the campus and into the classroom just as the bell rang. Looking up from his phone he was stunned to see Scar, Iskall and Rendog all sitting in a group of desks in the large lecture hall. He didn't know they were coming to this school, He knew them in high school and they were all really close friends, but they hadn't spoken all summer.

"Hi guys!" Grian said as he rushed to the group.

They all look up and smile as they notice the familiar red sweatered man. Iskall stands up and gives grian one of those "Man-hug" things.

"Hey dude! We haven't seen you and Mumbo since graduation. How have you been?" Scar said.

"We've been okay, Mumbo asked me out, We're on a long distance relationship for now because he wanted to go to the UoRS. Typical Mumbo, Grian chuckled to himself. The group sat down and caught up with eachother, They told about their current relationships like they were middle shool girls. Scar had plucked up the courage to ask out cubfan, which earned him a new boyfriend. Ren had started dating docm77, obviously. And Iskall, Landed himself a date with Stress. Grian shot Mumbo a quick text.

"You'll never guess who I ran into!!" 10:34 am.

Still no replies from Mumbo. Grian missed him so much.

"Mumbo are you okay?" 10:35 am.

He sounded like a needy boyfriend, but he just wanted to know if Mumbo was okay. Of course Mumbo wouldn't have a hard time in Redstone Sciences, Redstone was in his blood. He was born an expert. It's just that they've never spent so long without each other. Grian sighed and opened up his notebook, a long day of notes ahead of him.
Time skip 1 month.

It's been a month since Grian and Mumbo had started University. Mumbo barely texted Grian back, replying occasionally with a simple yeah or okay. Grian longed for Mumbo like he needed air. That night Grian decided to go out with Iskall, Scar and Ren. He didn't know nor care where they were going, he just needed to get his mind of school and Mumbo. Just as they got into the car Grian's phone dinged.
"Hi, I'm sorry, I was an idiot. University has been slowly killing me." Mumbo texted.
"Just an idiot?" Grian replied.
"Stupid, Butthole, Meanie" Mumbo wrote.
"I miss you Mumby."
"I miss you too Gri."

They drove down to a beach near the university. As they approached the water they noticed three figures standing there, Grian didn't notice who they were until the other three started breaking off into a sprint. The figures came into view, It was Cub, Doc and Stress. They were all there to visit their partners. Scar jumped into Cubs arms and embraced him into a hug. Ren slowly approached Doc and gave him a warm, slow kiss. Iskall ran up to stress and picked her up in a hug. Grian couldn't have felt more lonely. He sat with the couples staring out at the waves. They crashed onto the shore and back into the ocean. Grian turned his head and noticed a familiar Moustached man walking toward the group. Grian blinked, this couldnt be real could it? But when his eyes opened Mumbo was still there. Grian stood up running to Mumbo. He jumped and embraced Mumbo into a hug, tears forming in his eyes. He adjusted to the familiar form of the much taller man and stood onto his toes to give him a kiss. Mumbo kissed back.

This is the feeling of being alive.


That one is based off of an animatic I saw about haikyuu characters going off to college and stuff. It's to a song called time alive. Thanks for reading!

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