Rainy day 🌼Fluff🌼

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Warnings- None
Word count- 506 (Sorry it's short lol)

That last story was too sad huh? Well I've got some cute fluffy stuff up next.

Enjoy :)

It was a rainy day on the H ermitcraft server.
The small drops of water poured down with a satisfying *Plink* sound. Grian was in his atrium hanging out with the Parrots and staring out the glass windows of his newly completed mega-base. Just as Grian's mind started to wander he heard a rocket from above his base. A familiar moustached man landed clumsily beside Grian in a matter if seconds. His messy black hair dripping with rain water.

"Hi Gri" He said grinning.

Dammit mumbo stop looking so hot.
Grian thought.
"Hi Mumbo, What's up?"

Mumbo swept his hair out of his eyes before sitting next to Grian.

"Just wanted to hang out, The weather is a bummer, I was supposed to go to the flower feild today." Mumbo replied

Grian and Mumbo made their way down into the bottom level of Grian's base before grabbing some hot chocolate and flying back up into the atrium.

"How about we play a game?" Grian asked

Mumbo nodded his head while sipping his drink, A bit of whipped cream getting caught in his moustache. He licked his lips in an attempt to get it off. Grian snickered.

"Okay, Wanna play truth or dare?" Grian asked excitedly.

"Sure, You start. Truth or dare?" Mumbo replied.

Grian picked truth. He instantly regretted his choice when Mumbo asked his question.

"What are 3 words to describe me?" Mumbo asked.

Grians faced turned pink, He honestly wanted to say that three words to describe Mumbo are
Hot, Cute, Extremely kissable. But he held back.

"Hmm, That's a tough one, Well three words to describe you would be...Moustache, Spoon, Cute. Wait-" Grian said, soon after realizing his mistake. That was supposed to be kept quiet you idiot! Grian thought.

Mumbo felt the blood rush to his face, Did Grian just call me cute?! Smooth Grian, Really Smooth. A billion questions rushed through Mumbo's mind. He thought Grian was cute too. But he didn't expect this to be the way they told each other how they felt. Through some petty middle-school game. He laughed a bit.

"Well, I've only got 2 words for you Gri,
be mine?" Mumbo said smoothly, Making Grian turn a Bright shade of Red. Almost as red as his sweater.

Grian stared blankly at Mumbo. He buried his face into his hands, Embarrased at the interaction that had just occured. Mumbo took Grian's hands off of his face and into his own, Noticing how much larger his hands were compared to the blonde-haired boy. He looked Grian square in the eyes. And said one thing.

"Glad it rained today" He said quietly, Before planting a kiss on Grian's lips.


So that was my attempt at fluffy stuff. This was how I confessed to my crush lol, Thought it would be a good prompt to write about. Anyway, More to come soon, Thanks!

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