The Clouds 🌼Fluff🌼

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Fluffy stuff for the soul. Simple as that.

Triggers- 596

The sky was grey, hazy even. The rain poured down heavy, thudding hard on the server. It had been raining for days. The entire atmosphere was just plain gloomy. All the Hermits were stuck inside, left to their own thoughts. It was too dangerous to fly. So they were all alone. Grian sat in his base, staring into his enormous fish tank. He watched as the fish swam around, unaffected by the rain, Grian was jealous. The fish could swim around without a care, while he was tied down to his base, all alone without anyone to talk to. He longed for Mumbo. Yes. Mumbo. He wanted to see his moustached friend, but they were confined to their bases. It hurt him not being able to talk to Mumbo. The messaging system had been damaged and can't be used. He'd never felt so alone. Longing for Mumbo, missing the outside world. That's when the flooding started. His base was on the ocean, With no doors. The water had poured in so quickly that Grian could barely stop it. As soon as he had blocked off the enterances he flew up to the second layer of his base, bringing his valuables so they wouldn't get soaked. He mentally cursed the rain. This was the worst it's ever been on the server and it didn't seem to be clearing up anytime soon. Grian paced back and forth, thinking of some way to entertain himself, it's like he had a phobia of boredom, or maybe it was a fear of isolation. Whatever the case, it was messing with his brain. And as if the universe could read his mind, he saw Mumbo on a boat, sailing towards his base. Grian rushed down, helping Mumbo out of the rain and leading him up to the second level of his base.

"Mumbo what are you doing?? You're going to catch a cold!" Grian said, partially flustered by the sudden appearance of the only person that gave him butterflies in his stomach.

"I knew you would be getting restless, I was worried about you. So I tried to get over here with Elytra but flying is harder for me than usual." Mumbo replied.

Grian blushed, Mumbo really knew him. Inside and out. He loved him for that. He ran up to Mumbo, Embracing him. Just then, an Idea crossed his mind.

"Let's go above the clouds!!" Grian stated excitedly "Rain can't go up after all"

Grian took Mumbo's hand and they launched their elytra together. Flying upward proved easier than flying a certain direction. Maybe the wind is what made it hard, but they were flying as if they could cut through the wind. As they approached the clouds, they braced themselves for the worst. But as they cleared the lining of grey storm clouds, they saw the sun, setting over the server. It was a beautiful sight, straight out of a movie. Grian's eyes glistened as he turned to Mumbo. This couldn't be a better situation. Before Mumbo could say a word, he felt something warm press against his lips, Grian gave him a passionate kiss mid-flight. Mumbo was startled, wondering how someone could be so talented as to fly and kiss someone. But he melted into it quickly. The clouds looked like they cleared in that very moment. The world slowed, I guess that's what love can do to a person huh?
Thanks for reading. Can't believe theres already 200 reads. I didn't think my writing could reach that many people.

💖- MangoSm00thie

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