Arranged Marriage AU 🌼Cliche Fluff🌼

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I know that arranged Marriage is a genuine world issue, but I wanted to write one about Mumbo and Grian as royals. Sorry for the amount of cliche there is!

Triggers- Kinda sad but not really
Word count-1887

Marriage, A bond between people that love each other. Or most people. But when your the only child of a royal family, marriage is about keeping your kingdom alive. It's more of a chore or a responsibility than getting married because you love someone. It was unfair, and wrong, but it was Grian's job. And he wasn't ready. He couldn't ever be ready.

Grian stood from his spot in the castle garden, adjusting his trousers and white button up shirt. He picked up his cherry red tailcoat as he wandered back into the castle holding his latest book. It was about some cliche romance, atleast they got to choose who to love. Grian sighed, he hadn't even met this bachelor and he was already being judgy. This isn't something normal 9 year olds would think about. As he strode through the castle he was greeted with many "Good Morning sir" and plenty of bows and curtsys. He hated it. Being a prince, being feared because of his power. He just wanted to be treated like a normal person. He wanted to run wild, get messy, Eat with only a spoon and fork instead of the 10 untesils he used for supper each night. Tonight i'm doing it. I'm sneaking out. He thought. Grianwas too concentrated on his plan that he didn't notice one of the servants walking towards him and he bumped into them, dropping his coat and book.

"Oh gosh i'm so sorry Grian!" A voice chirped.

Grian stood up and looked at who exactly he had bumped into. A look of realization spread across his face, then shifted to a smile. It was the head butlers son Mumbo. Mumbo was sporting his latest black eye, curtesy of his abusive dad. Grian's only friend in this giant palace, and he couldn't protect Mumbo from his own father.

"No it's alright Mumbo, that was my fault" Grian said as he helped Mumbo off the ground. "Want to come on a walk with me up to my room? We could play with my parrots"

"I really shouldn't, If someone caught me talking to the prince like he was some average kid I would be sent to the dungeon!" Mumbo replied, looking around wearily.

"No, No it's alright! If we get caught i'll tell them it's my fault."

Mumbo nodded his head reluctantly and they scurried up to Grians room, they rushed inside and slammed the door behind them, locking it. Grian opened a large cage and two majestic looking birds flew out of it, followed by one scrawny blue parrot that goes my the name Ari. She was secretly Grian's favourite, and the youngest. but he could never tell that to the other parrots. Mumbo watched in amazement as the birds swooped around Grian, doing barrel rolls and landing on his shoulders, Ari resting on Grian's forearm. Mumbo stood up and walked to his friend, reluctant to get to close to the birds. Beside Grian, Mumbo looked tiny. He was a lot shorter than him and was scrawnyer. But that's because of his lack of proper nutrition. Grian pulled Mumbo's arm and told him to hold it out straight, then he signaled for one of the birds to fly onto Mumbo's arm. Mumbo flinched a little at the birds claws latching onto him, but they were dull and didn't do any damage. He was just afraid. Suddenly they heard a bang on the door.

"Sir, It's time for your suit fitting! You have a jubilee to attend tomorrow and your mother wants you looking your best!" The voice called, Grian immediately recognized it. Margie. His personal maid and the best cookie maker of the century, atleast that's what Grian thought.

"C-coming!" Grian stuttered as he got the birds back into their cage. Mumbo was beyond flustered, He dove into Grian's closet as Grian opened the door.

"Give me a moment please Margie, I have to, uhm, Clean up a bit." Grian lied.

"Oh it's alright sir, I can handle that. You go down to the tailors right away or the queen will get cross" Margie replied, Grian could sense the urgency in her voice.

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