Mafia AU 💧Sad, Angsty, Gruesome*💥

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I think it's really gruesome tbh so feel free to skip. It's a bit much. Kinda like a horror movie.
Also there's a lot less Grumbo in this one so just a heads up!
Word count- 1598


He hated it. Being the son of a crazy Mafia boss. But being around some people made it bearable. He hated the killing, The violence, The fact that they were always on the run. Grian was too nice, too gentle, he couldn't kill innocent people.

Grian straightened his tie and slicked back his hair, it was a strange sight. Grian's hair naturally curled and poofed upward, But he needed to look professional so it was constantly held down with a pound of gel. He slipped on his dark red suit and placed a gun into it's holster. He continued to slide a dagger into his ankle holster before leaving his room. Their family held mafia meetings in a secluded mansion south of the nearby town of Hermitville. Grian's family was always involved in foul play. Murders and egg dealing. Which was extremely illegal in the server of Hermitcraft. Grian sat down in his spot, to the right of his father and beside his mission partner, Mumbo Jumbo. The best looking agent in the Mafia, or that's what Grian thought atleast. The tall moustached man walked into the room, ducking to get through the low beams of the door frame. Grian blushed. Mumbo was known as the best and most feared killer in their group of families. Mumbo was the descendant of a long line of hit men and he had the skills to show for it. He could shoot a tea spoon mid-air. Mumbo gave Grian a smirk before taking his seat. Mumbo took a switch-blade out of the spot in his suit pocket. Flipping it around and doing tricks with it, before throwing in and landing a bullseye in the middle of an old, un-used dartboard. Show off. Grian thought as he turned to look at the envelope Mumbo had handed him. It was from their leader, Grian's dad. He was currently in indonesia sealing a deal with a highly wanted Egg dealer. Grian read it and a look to dread spread across his face. It was a list of their next targets. Mumbo and Grian had to out and kill all these people. Grian read the names outloud.

"Iskall85, StressMonster101, Joehills, Rendog, DocM77." Grian's face shifted to a look of disgust. "Mumby, We know all of these people. What could they have done to make my dad place a hit on them! We canmt kill them, they're our fr-"

Mumbo cut him off. "Grian shhhh, Everyone is going to hear you. We can't say anything about not wanting to do it or we're going to be in huge trouble"

Mumbo frowned, He had to kill these people, He had to. It was his job. Mumbo had been brainwashed into a sociopath and a killer. It's the only thing he knew how to do. Kill or be killed, that's the way of the world. Grian thought it was sickening. Mumbo didn't know what an opinion was, he just agreed with everything the others said, even if it was against every virtue of human decency.

Grian and Mumbo strode up to the jet black car, complete with blacked out glass windows. They climbed in, Mumbo turned the key and drove off. First victim, Iskall85. Grian didn't know Iskall too well, They worked a summer job at a place called Sahara together, but never hit it off as friends. Still, Grian felt like he would hurl as they approached Iskall's home. They rang the door bell, Iskall's daughter answered the door. A little girl, Flowers braided into her dark brown hair. Bright hazel eyes glistening with wonder as she stared at the two men in suits. Grian's stomach churned. They were about to make an orphan out of a little girl.

"Hey, Is your dad home?" Mumbo asked sternly.

The little girl nodded, And called out to iskall as she ran away from the door and into the living room.

"Papa, Papa! There's cool guys in black suits at the door!" The child yelled, Smiling as her dad rose from the couch to see who was at the door.

"Hi, Can I help you?" Iskall asked, The two men were wearing sunglasses, so iskall didn't recognize Grian. Mumbo pulled out a gun, pointing it at iskall. He didn't even think about the fact that his daughter was watching. She looked around 5 years old. Grian wanted to grab the gun. He also wanted to throw up. Iskall put his hands up, getting on his knees and pleading at Mumbo not to shoot. It happened so fast, Mumbo didn't even flinch after he pulled the trigger. Blood splattering all over his face, He turned around and left. Grian stared in horror as the little girl started screaming. She was terrified.

"Dad? Dad? Wake up! I have to call the doctors! I need to help you! Daddy? Are you going to see momma? This happened to momma too." She sobbed looking up at Grian, her eyes looking up at him pleading for help. Iskall's blood drenched her pink sundress. Grian took the child, and used a needle to give her a shot of some memory wiping serum that he knew nothing about, he just knew it worked. The little girl closed her eyes and fell asleep. Mumbo returned from the car with a plastic bag, bleach and rags. They cleaned the crime scene. Mumbo then blinked. He shook his head vigorously.

"Gri- Grian? What did I just do? Where are we?" Mumbo asked.

Grian stared in disbelief. Mumbo doesn't remember anything. They used to use him as a drug tester. And had become a mutt. But the drugs aren't reliable, and they aren't perfected. He has moments where Mumbo could actually feel things, those moments confused him the most.

"Mumbo, We j-just killed an innocent man in front of his daughter." Grian replied.

Mumbo looked at Grian in confusion. He just shot an innocent man? For what? His head began to hurt. His head became dark. He couldn't feel anything anymore.

Grian looked to Mumbo. He had snapped back into being a killer. He knew it wasn't Mumbo's fault. They finished cleaning the scene and left, Dragging iskall's body to the back of the Mafia base, Throwing it into a grave in the backyard along with the others before sealing it off. They planted a fake tombstone that read.

Rebecca Hamilton
Mother, Wife, Sister.

The fake tombstone was perfect, nobody would suspect a thing. Grian's head hurt. He didn't want this anymore. He didn't want the life of crime. Tears welled up in his eyes. This wasn't right. But he was afraid, He was more than afraid. He was petrified. Mumbo grabbed his arm and ushered him inside. They continued like life was normal, except for the incredible guilt filling up Grian's little heart.

Two months passed, a search party was launched for the retrieval of iskall. They found nothing. The little girl knew nothing, she didn't remember what happened. She just knew dad wasn't coming back.

Mumbo shook his head. He was panicking. He couldn't take in enough air. Every breath was exhaled to fast. His vision was blurry. All he could hear was Grian.

"Mumbo? Hey, It's okay. You'll be okay. Breath with me alright." Grian reassured him. He took in three deep breaths. Mumbo started to calm down.

"I-i'm a monster Grian. What if I h-hurt you? Why do I act like this?" Mumbo said through tears. He knew about the drug testing, but he didn't remember ever killing anyone. Grian hugged Mumbo.

"It's not your fault. They're using you okay?" Grian said in a hushed, calm tone. It was then he made the biggest decision of his life. They had to leave, They had to get out of there. It wasn't safe and they couldn't keep killing.

Grian and Mumbo ran. They ran as fast as they could, through the trees of a nearby forest. But they could hear footsteps following them. They had been on the run for 3 days. They were weak. The mafia had chased them down and was determined to kill them because of their betrayal. Grian felt a sharp pain in his side. Blood oozed out of a bullet wound. Mumbo picked Grian up and ran, jumping into a hole and hiding. He held Grian as the life in his eyes slipped away. Mumbo cried.

"I deserve this Mumbo. I hurt too many people to deserve to live" Grian said weakly ast his body went limp in Mumbo's arms.

Mumbo kissed Grian on the forehead, sobbing painfully, before he saw as one of the agents jumped into the hole, firing a bullet right at Mumbo's head. Mumbo felt no pain. But when he got to the other side, he saw Grian, And they faced the worst pain that could ever exsist. There, Iskall stood, Staring at the two men. They had to face the worst pain they could ever feel. And that pain, was facing the man they killed. The man they took everything from.

I know they aren't killers in real life. And they're family friendly. But a friend requested I do something that could scare the crap outta someone. I personally don't like portraying them as bad people but this was a one time thing. I promise. I feel like a  physcopath right now but I won't do this again. Thanks for reading!

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