The Willow tree 🌼Fluff🌼

608 29 14

Trigger warnings- None

Word Count- 1715

Inspired by "Roses for lily, By Harry holland". I hope you enjoy! I kinda like this one.


Grian walked up the grass covered hill, picnic basket in hand. He adjusted the sleeves of his red jumper, rolling them up to his elbows. As he approached the top he saw a silhouette of a man in a black suit. He saw the mans raven hair swaying in the breeze. It was their first date. Boy was Grian nervous. More then nervous. He was terrified. Grian's palms were sweaty, his cheeks were pink and flushed as he approached the taller man.

"H-hi Mumbo. You look nice tonight" Grian started, He set down the plaid checkered blanket and laid out the food. Some artisan sandwiches and bubbly water. It was lovely.

"Awe what's all this? How fancy, I'm flattered Gri" Mumbo said, sitting down on the blanket beside Grian. The spot they chose to meet was perfect, a slight breeze blew through the warm summer atmosphere. Mumbo handed Grian a daisy he picked in the flower feild nearby. The gift was simple, but beautiful none the less.

Grian smiled. Mumbo was the first person he'd ever dated. He was new to the whole love thing and he wanted to do it right, therefore, artisan sandwiches. They ate in quiet. It was awkward, but when the sun started to set the night decided to take off. Grian turned on the strings of lights he set up. They twinkled in the trees above the pair like fireflies. They laid back on blanket and stared up at the lights. Grian shivered and sat up, crossing his arms to contain the warmth. It was chilly in the summer evening.

"H-hey, Do you want my jacket? I'm pretty warm anyway" Mumbo lied. He was chilly, but he knew Grian was more important.

Grian's eye twitched. Before he could reply to Mumbo's offer, the large black jacket was draped over his shoulders. He immediately felt warmer, both his body and his cheeks. Grian smiled. He thanked Mumbo and they sat in silence once again.

Grian felt the sudden urge to make a move. He scooched closer to Mumbo, and laid his head on Mumbo's shoulder. He could feel the taller mans shoulders tense up, then relax. Mumbo then set his head down on Grian's.

"Hey Mumbo, Will you bring me a daisy every time we come up here?" Grian asked.

"Are you implying we go on a second date already Grian?" Mumbo chuckled.

They stayed like that for the night, talking about their lives, families, friends. They told eachother most things. It started off a rough night, but in the end they hit it off. It couldn't be more perfect.


Mumbo walked up the grass covered hill. He sees his boyfriend of 2 years waiting at the very top. He's stood under the strigs of lights. They needed to replace the batteries on those someday. Mumbo adjusted his tie, the small velvet box shifted in his pocket as he walked. Mumbo approached the top of the hill. Grian beamed at him. The smaller man ran up to Mumbo and jumped to his arms, embracing him around the neck. The fuzz of Grian's sweater tickled Mumbo's neck. The couple walked up to the large willow tree. Grian could feel the sweat seeping out of Mumbo's hand as they walked. Grian turned his head up to look at the large branches of the tree. It was their soecial place, in a secluded part of a nearby forest. He felt Mumbo's hand shift and a slight pull, he looked down to see Mumbo on one knee holding a daisy and a velvet box. Tears started to well up in his eyes.

"Grian, We've been together for 2 years, Our first date was under this tree. That day changed my life forever. And now the world is so much brighter with you in it. W-will you marry me?"

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