Charlie and Ari 🌼Fluff🌼

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Triggers- None
Word count- 803


Grian hugged the newborn girl to his fuzzy red sweater. He looked over at Mumbo, Who was busy snuggling with a small baby boy. It had been 3 days since Mumbo and Grian had the twins and they we're getting the hang of parenting. Of course, They were completely not ready when the surrogate called saying she was in labor. Grian stroked the little girls hair, It was thick, and a dark black. She looked a lot like Mumbo if he was honest with himself. And the little boy looked a lot like Grian. His Dirty- Blonde hair curling around his face. Of course they looked like their parents. After all, it takes two things to create babies. They had each donated to create the embryo's. Two were implanted and turned into fraternal twins.

The little girl started to whine. She squirmed around in Grian's arms causing him to panic a bit. Even if they were a few days in, He still got a little frantic whenever his kids would cry.

"Aw, It's okay Ari. Shh dad's here." Grian said in a hushed tone. Ari, The name he had given his baby girl. She was named after his beloved bird from when he was younger. He glanced to Mumbo as he patted Ari's back. Mumbo was holding the baby boy, Charlie. He was named after Charrot, A chicken that Mumbo found because he couldn't find a parrot for his Hermit challenge. He smiled. It made his heart melt seeing Mumbo and the baby. Ari had finally calmed down and was resting her head on his shoulder. They we're both wearing the sweaters that stress monster had knitted for them. Charlie's was red and matched Grian's. And Ari's looked like a little suit. Mumbo placed Charlie down in his crib and went off to make dinner. Grian placed Ari down and followed. Just as Mumbo was about to start boiling some water for some pasta. Grian came up behind him and gave him a hug, wrapping his arms around Mumbo's waist. Grian's head barely reached Mumbo's neck. As soon as Grian let go Mumbo turned around and grinned.

"I couldn't imagine life without you Gri. And now that we have the twins, Life couldn't be better." Mumbo said.

Grian smiled and gave mumbo a quick kiss on the lips, Then nodding in agreement. Grian turned to go back to the Nursery. They had built a shared base in the Hermitcraft season 25 and Grian had spent a lot of his time decorating the Nursery for his twins, Adding little toys and even a little stuffed animal that looked like a parrot. He sat in the rocking chair watching as Ari and Charlie slept. As soon as Grian's eyes started to drift closed, He heard Charlie start to fuss. Standing up, He walked over to the crib and picked him up. Soon after, Ari started to whine. Crap. Grian thought. Mumbo was busy in the kitchen and had decided to blast some music. Grian moved Charlie to one arm and picked up Ari gently with the other. He rocked both babies. Trying to get them to stop fussing. The babies cried non-stop for ten minutes and Grian was getting flustered. He walked slowly down to the kitchen, struggling to hold both squirming babies at once.

"MUMBO!" Grian cried.

Mumbo whipped his head around and his eyes widened. He rushed to take one of the babies from Grians arms.

"Sorry Gri, I couldn't hear you." Mumbo apologized.

Grian rolled his eyes, But also couldn't contain the smirk forming on his face. He imagined how desperate and stupid he looked trying to carry both of them. The babies faces we're red from crying, each with their own little frown. If Grian was honest, they looked precious, Even when they had just had a fit. Mumbo and Grian set then down in some portable basinettes as they ate dinner. Once they were finished washing up they took the twins into the living room. It was later in the night at this point. Mumbo sat down holding Ari as Grian followed carrying Charlie. The two we're busy staring at thier beautiful babies when they noticed something. Their eyes we're beginning to open. Ari opened her's first, frowning as the moon shone on her eyes. They were a bright blue, Just like Grian's. Charlie followed. His eyes were also blue. But much darker, like an ocean. Mumbo and Grian stared in awe. Grian started to tear up. Mumbo kissed Grian on the forehead. They stood there, in the moonlit living room. As a complete family. And they both knew nothing could hurt them anymore.

This is my favourite so far. I like the idea of this family being a reality. I'm thinking of writing a sequel of when Charlie and Ari are kids or teens. Feel like that would be interesting.

More to come, MangoSm00thie 💖

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