Game Night 🍋Lime🍋

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Oh lord this one sucks. I'm kinda dissapointed and i'm sorry I haven't posted in like, A week?? Enjoy I guess...?

Word count- 1051
Triggers- Nope

The hermits were getting together at grians house to have game night and some drinks. Mumbo was expecting to play some poker and have a few beers but when he got there he found out that Grian was planning on playing go fish, uno and twister. And the drinks were orange soda and apple juice. Oh innocent Grian.

Mumbo strolled through the shopping district. He was on his way to pick up some
Alcho-ORANGE JUICE. His head was bowed down staring at his phone, The groupchat was buzzing with texts non-stop.


Iskall: What time is gamenight at grian's base?

Grian: I told you this three times Iskall! 7pm to whenever you wanna leave

Xisuma: Guys shut up i'm trying to watch youtube videos

Stress: Should I bring snacks?

Iskall: Who needs a snack? We already have you coming after all!

Stress: ...😳


Mumbo chuckled, Typical innocent Grian. He picked up his "Orange Juice" and flew to his base to pick up some chips and poker set. That's what he assumed they were doing for game night I guess. They were grown ups now after all, No more little kid games. He spent the afternoon fixing up his storage area before heading to Grian's little hobbit hole. He waved down to Scar as he flew by the giant meatball-snail base.

When Mumbo landed next to Grian's front door he heard music coming from the other side. He knocked but nobody came to answer the door. Mumbo noticed it was unlocked and he entered following the slowly increasing sound of the music. When he turned a corner he saw Grian, in pajamas, dancing around while carrying plates of food to the snack table and stacking the boxes of games. Mumbo started to giggle at the sight of the small man waving his arms in the air and swaying his hips to the beat of the song.

Grian turned his head and yelped, He ran to turn off the music and stood there, ogling at Mumbo standing in the doorway of Grian's base. He felt the blood rush to his face and sweat breaking out on his skin. He used his hands to bury and hide his red face.

"M-mumboooo you can't sneak up on me like thattt!" Grian yelled into his hands.

"Sorry Gri- I was knocking and you didn't answer" Mumbo replied, setting down the bottle of alchohol he brought and adding the poker chips to the game pile.

Grian looked at this questioningly. He picked up the bottle of alchohol and examined the clear brown liquid inside. He opened the bottle and smelled the strong drink. Mumbo noticed Grian scrunch his nose and close up the bottle. He set it down next to the bottles of real orange and apple juice. Along with some tropical punch juice boxes. Mumbo smiled, Innocent Grian. He thought as he also noticed the piles of games stacked aide by side on the table. Go fish, Pie face, Charades, Twister, Monopoly. The games were definitly meant for kids, But Mumbo didn't mind. He was too busy admiring the pride that shone off of Grian's face as he set down the twister mat.

They heard a knock at the door. Grian was surprised to see that Iskall, Stress and Xisuma were all holding their own bottles of alchohol. Who do they think I am?? Grian thought as he took the drinks from his guests and set them down on the table.


You could cut the tension among the group as they watched Stress and Iskall tangle themselves in a round of twister. They were currently face to face, Iskall could feel the sweat on his palms causing the twister mat to become slippery under him. Stress spun the wheel and her next move was going to bring her over Iskall so her right leg was draped over his back. They looked like they were about to collapse. Iskall was in a crab-walk position so he was facing the roof, whereas stress was facing downwards on hovering over Iskall. Eye to eye. Mumbo snickered, he may or may not have been lying about what the wheel said and had positioned them perfectly. Just as the two were starting to get full on tangled up, Iskalls hand slipped, causing him to fall on his back with Stress on top of him. They're noses were basically touching.

"Awkwaaaaard" Xisuma whispered.


Next was a round of kiss, marry, kill. Grian sniffed the beverage Mumbo had handed him. It smelled so strong Grian's nose burned. Apparently it was a "Light cocktail". But he knew it was a lie. He noticed Mumbo mixing the beverage earlier. It was vodka and orange juice.

He adusted his red sweater as he sat down with the rest of the hermits. Grian took a sip of his drink and scrunched his nose. It was nasty. But he was determined to finish the whole cup. Soon enough Grian was used to the taste. He ended up drinking more. 3 cups. And Boy oh Boy was Grian drunk. Mumbo helped Grian to the couch where he could sit and steady himself. All Grians phrases were said in a sing song voice the rest of the night. Mumbo was shocked, that innocent Grian was this hammered.

Suddenly, Grian grabbed Mumbo by the hand and led him to a coat closet. He shut the door and Mumbo started to internally freak out. Grian pinned Mumbo to a wall and kissed him roughly, Mumbo's moustache tickled Grian's top lip. How could someone so small pin Mumbo up and weaken the tall man into nothingness. Mumbo was pretty much melted as he let Grian's tongue into his mouth.

Iskall noticed Mumbo and Grian never made it back from wherever they were going. The curious swede started to roam around Grian's base until he heard a loud thump from the closet. He opened the door and saw a drunk Grian, passed out on top of an out of breath, messy haired Mumbo. Iskall slowly started to catch on, his brain exploded at the realization. Oh shi- MUMBO AND GRIAN WERE MAKING OUT.

So much for innocent Grian...

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