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The great war—I remember the thunder roaring and the artillery pounding. I won that war, but at a great cost. I lost the only person who truly loved me, and now I stalk the city, hunting goons and petty thieves, trying to fulfill an already broken promise. Once I realized all those men who died in my arms—all those men who screamed for their mother while their bodies were getting colder—died for nothing, I became angry.

Those men who died were my soldiers; I remember the battle of the Testead. We couldn't advance; their mages have set up a line of fire, making breakthroughs impossible. I ran into the fire, trying to kill the mages. I slowly felt my oxygen running out. Not only that, but I slowly felt my blood boiling, but behind me, I could hear screams, and once I got past the barrier of fire, I saw my men with their guns in hand charging after me; that was bravery, that was loyalty. But now all those great feats have been erased, but I will make sure they return, and I will make sure to punish the one responsible harshly.

Rias: I can't believe that I'm under the protection of such a legend as yourself. Can I get an autograph?

Ddraig: Enough chatter, Butcher. It has been a while.

Y/N: So you have finally awakened, huh? It took you a while.

Ddraig: Forgive me, but it appears that my current host lacks the talent required to wield a sacred gear, such as myself.

Issa: HEY!

Y/N: I thought you'd be mad. I mean, last time we met, I did poke your eye out, broke your left wing, and impaled you with a large tree through the chest.

Ddraig: Though in the end you spared me, and besides, I was killing many of your soldiers, so I can't blame you.

Y/N: How'd you die?

Ddraig: That, my friend, is a story for another time.

Issa: Wait, do you two know each other?

Ddraig: We fought side by side until Albion appeared, and then he had to put an end to our destructive rivalry.

Rias: Wait, you stopped the heavenly dragons from fighting!? I thought it was the three factions who united and defeated these beasts.

Y/N: That reminds me, how is Issa? Is she at least trying to up her powers?

Rias: You need not worry; she might be weak, but she is very devoted.

Y/N: Devoted? Let me guess, the harem queen.

You could be her king.

Rias: *nervous chuckle* Well, that is one way to start her engines.

Issa: Laugh all you want. I will achieve my dream one day and have hot sex with everyone I fancy.

Aren't you one of those people she fancies?

Y/N: Well, as long as you won't bring your harem home, the last thing I need are more thrown panties all around the house.

Issa: Hey, I clean up after them!

Y/N: No, you don't; Amber does. Why do you even need that much underwear? One time a pair dropped on my meal from the ceiling.

And you still finished that meal.

Issa: Hey, stop it! You're humiliating me.

Y/N: *pats her head* It's okay. As perverted as you are, I'm still proud to call you my daughter, even if we are not bound by blood.

Ddraig: Forgive me for butting in, but I have something really important. I must tell you in private if possible.

Y/N: You can tell Issa, and then she will share it with me.

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