Rest; we all need it, even me, if not physically, then mentally, because sometimes when I gaze at the moon, I ask myself how long it will take for my mind to betray me. I spend every hour with my eyes open and my fists clenched, making sure that I stay as alert as possible without any break, and that includes sleeping. I have infinite stamina; I don't need to lie down, but once again, it's my mind that can't keep up because all that tension that I create affects my sanity, and I worry that there's not much sanity left to drain.
Sanity is one of the most important things that one can have. Sanity affects your entire body; it offers motivation, willpower, and dedication. It's true that sanity can be regained, but everyone has different methods of doing it. Some may turn to fishing, and some may feel that walking is the best way, but sometimes sanity can be restored with the help of others. Gwyntell always kept me sane, but now she's dead, and I'm slowly descending into a pit of madness.
Tonight I'm hunting hunters because someone thought it was a good idea to put a bounty on my head, and I want to know why and who, but luckily for me, I'm stalking one of the assassins who is currently waiting for me. He set up a trap and expected me to take the bait, but I survived this long not because of my strength but because of my intelligence. The guy was standing inside a construction plot, and above him were pipes. Let's see how this grappling hook works on others.
I aimed the grappling gun at his leg and at the pipes above, which caused him to be attached to them being dragged in an upside down position. After that, I went in and started the interrogation.
Legend: The bounty: who put it up?
Mercenary: Go to hell!
Legend: I've already been there; don't make me take you there.
Mercenary: And how am I supposed to know who holds a grudge against you? I'm not your fucking manager!
Legend: There are eight assassins all hired to kill me; each one of you were handpicked, you are one of them, so talk, who pays you?
Mercenary: The cops!
He's lying, which means I'll have to break some bones, or maybe more. I punched him in the head hard enough to knock out his frontal teeth and break his nose.
Mercenary: *pain grunt* Fucking hell!
Legend: Does that refresh your memory?
Mercenary: My mother hits harder!
I then broke a nearby pipe and used it as a weapon. He said my punch was weak, and so I used something more powerful. I hit him in the rib cage with full strength, bending the pipe as soon as it hit the assassin.
Mercenary: *heavy coughing* Just you wait till the other assassins get to you!
I broke his nose and ribs, but that's not enough; he still won't talk. I pulled pliers from my belt and slowly began pulling both his molars, which proved to be extremely painful. The poor bastard started coughing blood every time he tried to scream or take heavy breaths—no wonder since half his rib cage was shattered.
I activated my shock gloves, making sure that he saw it, and then I began punching his stomach like a boxing dummy, but I made sure not to hit too hard. I didn't want him to puke his own entrails over me.

Madness: DxD
FanfictionEvery time I close my eyes, I see a flash of the past. Sometimes, I see the battlefield with bodies at every step, and smoke from artillery fire everywhere you looked. Sometimes I see friends, Odin, Michael, and even Azazel. But most of the time, I...