I never understood love, the point of living your life for another seems idiotic. It's true that I loved before but If I were to choose between my life and theirs then I would definitely choose mine, and I don't say that because the fate of humanity is determined by my actions, I say it because of my willpower which is blocking any thought of harming myself for others.
True enough I do that every day but the harm that comes to me is minimal, and there's a big difference between fighting for a woman and fighting for the greater good. I don't like doing either of those but someone has to, especially since the weak don't even want to fight for themselves, instead they know that if danger were to be present in their life then someone would surely come to the rescue, these kind of people deserve nothing more than enrollment into the army.
Rias: I finally found you!
Y/N: What do you want this time Gremory? Can't you see I'm busy enjoying this alcoholic drink?
Today I felt like drinking so I went to a bar but barely two minutes in and this woman barges in and screams "I finally found you" like I was her runaway father.
Rias: What do you mean what do I want!? You promised me that today we will go on a date!
Unfortunately all the sad boys around me who got rejected or can't find a woman got pretty mad at me after hearing her statement.
Their fault for being wimps.
Y/N: I wasn't serious about that.
Rias: What do you mean you weren't serious!? I even wrote "Private Property" on my forehead!
Now the boys got even madder. I came here to relax but it looks like that won't be the case I quickly finished my drink and grabbed Rias by her elbow dragging her outside because as much as I'd like a fistfight it would not be beneficial if I dragged attention to myself.
Especially since you're Y/N now and not The Legend of The Night.
Rias: Ow! Hey, that hurts!
Y/N: Clean that on your forehead.
Rias: So we're going on a date!?
Y/N: Do not shout, your attracting eyes to us.
Rias: Sorry.
Y/N: Go and wash your forehead, I'd rather my date not be a whore.
Rias: Give me a second.
This woman just used magic to clean a marker in brought daylight with a crowd around her, bet she just wanted to impress me and forgot about it.
Rias: So... where are we going?
Y/N: Believe me, you do not want to let me decide that.
Rias: Why not?
Y/N: Because I don't think you'd enjoy going hunting with me.
Rias: Hunting sounds fun.
Y/N: You sure? I got my eyes on a Moroi.
Rias: Moroi? Is it Japanese?
Y/N: It's a mix of ghost and vampires. They can be powerful or weak depending on the individual they're facing. As for their nationality from what I know these creatures are natives from Romania.
Rias: Ghost and a vampire?
Y/N: It's called a Moroi.
Rias: Alright then how about sushi?

Madness: DxD
FanfictionEvery time I close my eyes, I see a flash of the past. Sometimes, I see the battlefield with bodies at every step, and smoke from artillery fire everywhere you looked. Sometimes I see friends, Odin, Michael, and even Azazel. But most of the time, I...