Contract: Chit-Chat

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I've watched friends, comrades, lovers, even enemies, all fall. Everything I care about is bound to disappear, extinguish like candles in the endless night of my existence. The weight of their deaths clings to me, a burden not even I can shed. Each face, each name, etched into my memory, a tapestry of loss and sorrow.

I have tried to protect them, to shield them from the inevitability of their fate, but it's no use. Death comes for all of them, and it only leaves me behind, a witness to their end. But I will not yield. I will fight, I will kill, I will survive. Because it's all that I can do, it's what I am.

Chisato: Hey, sorry if I kept you waiting.

Y/N: You did.

Chisato: Do you mind if I ask you about the guard outside?

Y/N: What about him?

Chisato: He's unconscious. He also has a broken nose.

Y/N: He didn't speak English, so I tried violence.

Chisato: I just hope the cameras didn't see that. Come with me, I will take you into my apartment.

Perhaps, in the end, my true curse is not my immense power, but my free will. Everything I do is because I choose to. I am not a machine, but at the same time I ain't human either, but if it weren't for my free will then I would've never chosen to attach myself to people.

Chisato: I'm sorry about the junk all over the place.

Y/N: Sit down, and start explaining yourself. You mentioned a funeral last time we met, whose?

Chisato: Are you sure you want to talk about this on an empty stomach?

Y/N: Spill your guts lady or I will spill them for you.

Chisato: *Sigh* I am Gwyintail's sister.

Y/N: Liar. She never had siblings.

Chisato: I figured she didn't mention me. Let me explain, I was supposed to be the goddess of purity, our mother chose me as her successor, but Gwyintail was better qualified for it, I'm sure you know just how pure that girl was. When our mother died, a vote was cast and... she got elected in my place.

Y/N: I am this close from breaking your neck. You said your mother has chosen you, so why the vote?

Chisato: She never officially said it. No one expected her to die so soon.

Y/N: This still doesn't explain why she never mentioned you.

Chisato: Because I've done terrible things to try and reclaim what was supposed to be mine. We argued so much and I nearly killed her. In the end none of us thought of each other as "sisters".

Y/N: I don't believe you, so give me a reason to or else I will torture you for trying to pose as Gwyintail's sister.

Chisato: You first met her in Istanbul. It was also there you two fell in love.

Y/N: Why was she there?

Chisato: She was sent on a mission to find a explorers journal. You yourself found it for her.

Y/N: I remember that, but that's not enough to convince me.

Chisato: I know where you first met our mother. It was Ireland, she was there to assist her followers from being purged.

Y/N: Few people know that.

Chisato: Do you believe me now?

Y/N: I only believe in myself.

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