Book of Fortune

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Legend: It's been nearly nine days, how long till we get there?

Lilith: I know a game we can play to pass time, the rules are simple: First one to climax loses~

Legend: How about we play back in the forties, all you have to do is say what you liked back then, I'll start, the thing that I most liked about the forties was the fact that women like you had no rights.

Lilith: Then take my rights away, use me as you see fit~

Legend: I should've gone on foot.

You have to admit, she did get you a little excited.

No she didn't, and besides I'm not here for pleasure, need to get out of here, I enjoy Nevada more than I do this literal hellhole.

Aren't you hungry?

How did you know?

You forgot we share the same consciousness? If you're hungry I'm hungry, if you're horny I'm horny.

You really needed to mention the last part, didn't you?

Count it as a warning, now enough fooling around, let's eat.

Gladly, except we ran out of rations, and I'm not asking Lilith for some, there's a high chance that she'll try to take advantage of that and seduce me.

I never said that you should ask Lilith for a bite, but I am saying that you can ask me for a nutritional meal just the way you like it.

Since when did you have enough cooking knowledge to cook a nutritionist meal? Not to mention the fact that there's no way to get any ingredients in this place.

I have my ways, now close your eyes and open up. The train's coming~

I'm not blind, I don't see no crumb of food.

You can trust me, take your mask off your mouth and close your eyes, or are you not starving at the moment?

Lilith: We're here.

What a bitch.

Legend: Finally.

Lilith: Come with me and no talking, last thing I need is you threatening them because you don't like their voices or some other dumb reason.

Legend: You smell that?

Lilith: Smell what?

Legend: Blood.

Lilith: Blood? Are you on drugs?

Legend: No, I'm just saying what I'm smelling. Wait here, no matter what you hear, that includes screaming.

Lilith: I'm not waiting here! And besides, how do you even smell blood!?

Legend: Listen here you annoying woman, I'm starting to realize that the main reason why your mouth is so big is that you've been sucking dick since you turned sixteen, now how about you close that mouth at least once a week, and then you'll have an easier time focusing on your other senses.

Lilith: What did you just say!?

Legend: I can do more than I can say, so if you don't wait here then I'll redo your entire skeletal structure.

Lilith: You know your very sexy when you're angry.

I for one agree with her.

Legend: Wait here woman, or I'll turn you into ketchup.

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