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SnakePrick: HOW DARE YOU DESTRO- *sound of a man getting punched into unconsciousness*

Y/N: Wasting my time.

Some turf war, the only thing I did was blow up his machinery and punch him in the face, and unsurprisingly the so-called war is over now. Guess I was right, demons really are a bunch of wimps.

Cherry: Harbinger!

Y/N: That you're friend? He better take me to the hotel, or you're next.

Cherry: Haven't you heard of manners? Harbinger, this is Angel Dust, and yes he can take you to the hotel.

Angel: Sure can, and will for as long as you're paying, what type of service would you like?

Y/N: I wanna talk to the radio demon, and I'll do that without paying you a dime, you disagree and I'll break a finger.

Cherry: Hold on Dust, think there's been a misunderstanding. The guy wants to go to the happy hotel, not a sex hotel.

Angel: The radio demon? What, are you tired of life? Why do you want to meet that guy?

Y/N: Enough with the questions, take me there before I turn you into dust.

Cherry: Dust, I think you should listen to him, I'm asking you to do me a favour here, so please get him there.

Angel: Why do you want to help this guy anyway? Wait a minute do you have a crush!?

Y/N: Shut up both of you, now take me to the hotel, or I'll have to extract its whereabouts from your splattered brain over the floor.

Angel: Alright gotta go cherry, your boyfriend's demanding that I take him to the hotel, call me will ya?

Y/N: Move.

Cherry: Hold on!

Y/N: What now?

Cherry: Will you drop by my apartment before you go back home? Please, it's important.

Y/N: I don't waste time on hookers.

Angel: Come on man, the girl wants you to fuck her, and you're turning her down in the most horrible way possible, you really do belong here.

Y/N: I said move, I don't like to waste time.

Somewhere in Pentagon

Angel: We're here, come on, I'll take you to strawberry cheeks.

Y/N: You mean the radio demon?

Angel: Yeah, yeah, come on, he's probably inside.

You can tell royalty lives here, compared to the other rundown buildings and holed roads that I've seen, this place seems almost as good as a regular US hotel, but then again comparing one of the worst gates of hell to the best and most developed country in the world is idiotic. This place reminds me of South Africa, although it got worse once we reached Central Africa.

Angel: Helooo! I'm back.

???: In a minute!

???: In a minute!

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