Contract: Shocking

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Somewhere in Nevada

Technology these days can be found in most places on earth giving people the ability to gain knowledge or amusement out of it but what I'm most interested in is weaponry, but unfortunately I lack the knowledge required to produce these kinds of weapons, so to try and combat this I've asked Amber to find a solution, but then I realized that Amber is dumber than me so that was a waste of time.

After a few hours of banging my head against the wall I realized that I need a qualified personnel to manufacture not only new weapons and upgrades but also maybe even armoured vehicles, but there was a problem and that was the fact that finding someone of that calibre who can also keep his mouth shut about my operations is as rare as me using grenades so one day I sat down with my assistant and started looking for possible solutions.

After a few hours of banging my head against the wall I realized that I need a qualified personnel to manufacture not only new weapons and upgrades but also maybe even armoured vehicles, but there was a problem and that was the fact that finding s...

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Amber: Please remind me why you can't just build these gadgets yourself.

Y/N: Because I'm lazy, and besides I'm no scientist.

Amber: Need I remind you the kind of gear you've made so far?

Y/N: Those were basic designs.

Amber: Well, forgive me if I didn't know that a cryptographic sequencer was considered a basic design.

Y/N: Listen, if I need something I'll always get it or build it in this case, but it's tiring. I'm no industry professional when it comes to manufacturing, having a helping hand wouldn't hurt.

Amber: You know you can always count on me, I'd do anything for you.

Y/N: I know, but there's little we can do alone.

Amber: Are you telling me that a man with two hundred IQ and a higher vampire can't figure out how to build new weapons?

Y/N: Well, when you put it that way.

Amber: So, are you gonna drop the third wheel?

Y/N: Fine.

Amber: I'm glad I've managed to convince you, now what kind of devices did you need?

Y/N: Two things, a vicious polymer dispersal device, and something that radiates high voltages of electricity. I've already managed to sketch a blueprint for the device, but the other thing remains under a question mark.

Amber: If you don't mind me asking, why do you need that much electricity for? And what on earth is a polymer dispersal device?

Y/N: I need something that can power up generators when I'm in the field, as for the device it's a basic glue grenade.

Amber: What about a battery?

Y/N: Too heavy. Can't store it.

Amber: What about shock gloves?

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