Awful Hunt

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Pagan is what religious people call me, and they are right because I simply refuse to give credit to others for my accomplishments, especially to god, for that is the main thing I hear from these people: thank god for my wealth, thank god for my strength well why don't you thank yourself first because in reality it's you that managed to achieve your goals and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I am the man I am today, thanks to me. Every victory I won was because of my superior prowess. The same goes for others. I have nothing against believers, but what I am against is not believing in yourself. Instead, these morons believe in god, for he will no doubt resolve all our problems if we beg and wail enough.

Tonight in the center of the city, which is the most populated area at night in the state, two girls could be seen begging not to god but to the people for money. These girls, whom I too well know, are Irina and her friend. This is a prime example of how god can't do shit and that begging for his help is useless. Instead, you should get on your own two feet and assist yourself, for a man is strongest when he understands that only he knows what is best for him, and by understanding this our willpower is raised, and with it comes strength, endurance, dexterity, and tactics. Too bad, more than half the world don't seem to understand my point.

Y/N: What is this? Did god ran out of money to share with his believers?

Xenovia: The Legend? Don't you dare mock God.

Y/N: Believe me, he doesn't care at this point if I insult him.

Xenovia: I assume you didn't appear before such a crowd just to donate money to the church.

Y/N: I'm here about those swords. Now get up and lead me to a place where we can talk because, with the many eyes and ears on me, I doubt this place is suitable.

FanGirl: E-Excuse me!

Y/N: Do not shout at me.

FanGirl: I'm so, so, sorry. Can I... Get a picture with you?

Y/N: Why exactly do you carry a camera with you?

FanGirl: Because... It's nighttime, and you always appear during nighttime, and I really wanted to take a photo with you.

Come on, look at her. Do you realize how much courage she needed just to approach you with a request like that? You must reward her, Y/N.

Y/N: You get ten seconds.

FanGirl: Really!? Okay, just stay still and say Night!

AnotherFan: Hey can I get an autograph?

Fan: Yeah, can you also you sign my skirt?

Look at that, you're popular with so many women already and you say people fear you.

Xenovia: There is a small church at-

Y/N: I know where to go. Don't keep me waiting.

Irina: How does he know where we stay?

Xenovia: He clearly has a talent when it comes to tracking people; some even call him a master detective.

Irina: I'm hungry!

Xenovia: And I'm tired. We have been begging for an entire day; let's just speak with The Legend.

Time Skip

Damn, how do they live here? To be fair, I had worse conditions, but these two are teenage girls starving on the streets and sleeping on chairs instead of beds with a broken roof over their heads and weak walls that can't hold the wind, and you can't even blame the country for such poor management because this church has been out of commission since ninety-forty. But enough about that, the girls have arrived with visible confusion on their faces, thinking that I'm late or having trouble finding the place when I'm hiding in plain sight. If I meant them harm then this would be an easy hunt, even for beginners.

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