Eternal Damnation

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In my dream I see a woman whose face I recognize too well, it's her, she's looking at me with a bright smile. She's beautiful. I wish I could see that smile again, but I won't, because she's dead, I don't know why I keep doing this to myself, every time I find someone I like I push it away, and she was no different, the war wasn't to blame, I was. My mind just refuses to let me relax. I understand it in a way, our bodies have just one goal, and that is to survive as long as possible. My body saw her as a weakness and once the war ignited well it was the perfect opportunity.

I can hear her laughing. I can see her holding a tray, and on that tray is a pie, my favorite. It's inhuman to dream like this and wake up to reality, but it's a reality I choose to live in, it's a reality I choose to protect. I don't care about money, I just want to fulfil my promise to her, but it's not that simple, I hope that in the future I will be the hero she wanted me to be, that is if I survive enough to reach that point in the future.


I woke up abruptly holding a gun in my hand. Looking around I saw heavy snow, boats and people, guess the spell worked. I'm probably in a harbor, need to call Amber and request my jet if I want to get home and know where I landed.

Communications Online

Amber: I see you finally return.

Y/N: I'm back in town.

Amber: Would you mind explaining me your sudden disappearance?

Y/N: Listen, I know you're mad at me for not telling you, but I'll explain when IL get home, right now I need to know where I am.

Amber: Brest.

Y/N: Brest? I'm in France? You know what, just bring me my jet.

Amber: Already sent it.

Y/N: Good, listen, can you pinpoint Trixy for me?

Amber: Isn't she with you? When your signal went under the grid, hers disappeared as well.

Y/N: Damn, that's not good.

Amber: What's wrong?

Y/N: What do you mean, what's wrong? She's on the damn loose. If I don't find her soon, then she'll try to lure me with "creative technique's" meaning death traps.

Amber: Forget about the clown, just come home. Issa really needs you.

Y/N: Why? What happened?

Amber: Look, I won't sugar coat this, Issa became a devil.

Y/N: What?

Amber: Calm down, I understand you are mad, but she's happy with her new companions.

Y/N: Happy? How can you tell if she's happy? What if those dickheads brainwashed her, or what if those sons of biches are using her as a sex slave?

Amber: They aren't. I checked, to my surprise they are treating her well, but lately there's been some drama that you will not enjoy hearing.

Y/N: Talk.

Amber: Do you know what a rating game is?

Y/N: No, and I don't intend to find out, just tell me how this involves Issa.

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