Today I'm heading to the underworld. Funny, seems like yesterday I was waging war down there, but duty calls. I abandoned these people, and now I have returned to aid them, yet I fear it's too late already. I wonder just how many people remember me, and just how many don't think me a tyrant. At least I'm not here for politics, just interests.
Apparently they now use trains to reach the underworld. Seems like Lucifer has modernized a bit, just backwards. Why use trains that take hours when you can just teleport in seconds. Maybe I shouldn't complain, I prefer this to teleports, yet I have a feeling that something will go horribly wrong and with me on board a train that makes it even more likely for "accidents" to happen.Asia: Mister Y/N? Would you like to play with us?
Legend: Don't call me mister.
Asia: I apologize, I didn't mean to offend you sir.
Legend: Don't call me sir either.
Asia: But... I was told to show respect to my elders.
Legend: That's dumb. If anything they should respect you considering that you're their future and the ones deciding their pensions.
Asia: But what about veterans? Shouldn't we respect them for fighting for us?
Legend: Now there's someone who deserves respect. Veterans defended your freedom, or they spread it. Those type of people truly deserve respect.
Asia: Are you a veteran?
Legend: Sure, I fought in wars. Wanted to fight in the current one too but my handler forbid it.
Rias: You're handler?
Issa: Do you mean Amber?
Legend: No, It's a long story that's also classified.
Rias: Oh, come on! We want to know!
Akeno: Is your handler a woman?
Legend: No. Not yet at least.
Xenovia: What I want to know is how you found Issa.
Legend: Rescued her from a house fire.
Kiba: But Issa claims otherwise.
Legend: Does she now?
Issa: Well... I don't feel comfortable talking about it.
Rias: It's okay Issa. We won't push it.
Issa: Thanks.
Azazel: Yooo. Legend. Guess what I found~
Legend: Whiskey. (Sniff) No. Vodka.
Azazel: Ain't you a good sniffer. Want a bite?
Legend: Of vodka? Or you?
Azazel: Why not both? It would be more fun this way~
Legend: I'm good. I think you should switch to tap water.
Azazel: Come on~ Come with me~ Hey, Rias! You come too!
Rias: W-Why me? I don't drink alcohol.
Azazel: Ughh... I think I'm gonna puke. Just drop by my lounge while I go and release myself.
Legend: Come on Rias, She must have a serious reason for wanting us.
Rias: How can you tell? She's clearly drunk.
Legend: I know her. She was probably faking it.
Rias: Faking it? Are you sure? Why would she fake it?

Madness: DxD
FanfictionEvery time I close my eyes, I see a flash of the past. Sometimes, I see the battlefield with bodies at every step, and smoke from artillery fire everywhere you looked. Sometimes I see friends, Odin, Michael, and even Azazel. But most of the time, I...