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I'm surprised Charlie hasn't said anything about the fact that I'm armed to the teeth, or that I have glowing red googles, maybe she doesn't judge people by looks, speaking of looks we're going to meet Lilith which is Charlie's mom apparently, and we're going there in a limo that has bullet holes in it, reminds me of my vehicles.

Hopefully this will be my last ride here in hell. I'm tired of this place, hopefully Lilith knows a way to bring me back or at the very least the location of the radio demon, actually now that I think about it there's a good chance Lilith knows who I am and what I look like which means there's a high chance she'll refuse to talk to me and that's no good. I'm gonna have to think this through, how am I going to open her mouth without dropping my pants?

Charlie: Are you nervous?

Legend: Why would I be?

Charlie: You aren't nervous that you're going to meet my mom?

Legend: Isn't that supposed to be your job?

Charlie: Yes, but my mom can be strict.

Legend: Don't worry so much, we'll be fine, all you have to do is greet her and say I missed you, and then you'll let me do the talking.

Charlie: Hey, will you mind if I talk to my mom after asking her about Alastor? In private if it's okay to you.

Legend: Sure, after I'm done with her, she's all yours.

Charlie: Thank you.

Car's stopped, must mean we're here since there's no traffic in this literal hellhole which is the only good thing about this place, that and maybe the group of succubi who idolize me. Maybe I'd be a good idea to meet my worshippers one day and let them know that I hear they're cries of help, or whatever gods say these days besides violent screaming when I'm gauging their eyes off.

Legend: We here?

Charlie: Yes, we've arrived. Follow me or my mom's soldiers will kill you.

Legend: Your mother always brings soldiers with her when she's meeting her daughter?

Charlie: Yes, the locals are usually jealous of our wealth and will kill us on sight if we aren't protected.

Legend: Makes sense.

Taking a good look at these "soldiers" and you start realizing that most of these people are also known as common thugs, using world war two weaponry and if that isn't enough most of them are too drunk or too fat to fight, how this group of drug addicts protect the queen of hell is beyond me, at least they got numbers, I count at least ten.

Thug: Aaah, miss Morningstar, we've been expecting you, and who's this? Your boyfriend?

Legend: Bodyguard, actually.

Thug: Bodyguard? Well that's new, I thought the princess of hell refused to have a bodyguard.

Legend: Pretty hard to feel safe without a bodyguard these days, especially with all the drama that's been happening lately.

Thug: Yeah, lately our gun supplier has stopped selling, apparently THE Harbinger of Death broke his neck and nabbed his van.

Charlie: I'm sorry, but I really want to see my mother, can we go in now?

Thug: Sure thing, miss Morningstar, but your bodyguard is gonna have to wait here.

Charlie: But... wouldn't it be best if he accompanied me?

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