In all my years I've never
Phoenix: Morning, handsome~
I was in bed, with Lady Phoenix beside me. I don't know why but I actually slept well tonight.
Y/N: Get off. I'm trying to write something here.
Phoenix: Hm? (mimicking voice) In all my years I've never understood why Lady Phoenix always makes my heart beat.
Y/N: That's not what I wrote.
Phoenix: I'm just messing with ya. What time is it honey?
Y/N: Don't know. Judging by the sun it's probably seven in the morning.
Phoenix: Seven? I see your habit of sleeping only three hours hasn't changed.
Y/N: No it hasn't. Mind getting your hands off my crotch?
Phoenix: Only if you put yours on mine~
Y/N: I don't want my hands to get all sticky.
Phoenix: I missed you...
Y/N: You've said that every day now.
Phoenix: I know. And I'll keep saying it.Y/N: Did I tell you I'm heading back today?
Phoenix: Yes, you did. Will you at least come back to me?
Y/N: Promise. If not for you, then for the people. I did win the election after all.
Phoenix: Forgetting about someone?
Y/N: We won the election. Listen, I'm planning to bring an army down here.
Phoenix: I figured you would. Are you sure about this? Diplomacy is still an option you know?
Y/N: Not anymore. I've already talked to my handler. Uncle Sam's promised me fourteen divisions equipped with the latest generation gear. These devils will fall before spring.
Phoenix: Hey... after the war, do you think we could— maybe go to— can we have a honeymoon?
Y/N: A honeymoon? Absolutely not. I detest vacations, and I'm too busy for such activities.
Phoenix: Of course you are. Let's go and eat some breakfast.
Y/N: Let's.
Phoenix: Before we do... shouldn't you do something right now?
Y/N: I should?
She puckered her lips and looked at me with her arms open. I did forget about this. Woman missed me so much that she set up a rule, every morning I have to kiss and grope her. This is getting tiresome. But I still did it. One day I'm going to have to put my foot down, this is a bit too lovey-dovey for me.
Once we put our clothes on we marched inside the kitchen and to our surprise Ravel was there waiting with breakfast.
Ravel: Good morning!
Phoenix: Morning Ravel dear. Did you prepare this for us?
Ravel: Yes mother. I also gave one to my brother.
Y/N: Is he still barricaded inside his room?
Ravel: Yes, he is...

Madness: DxD
FanfictionEvery time I close my eyes, I see a flash of the past. Sometimes, I see the battlefield with bodies at every step, and smoke from artillery fire everywhere you looked. Sometimes I see friends, Odin, Michael, and even Azazel. But most of the time, I...