Bomb and Dust

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What a hellhole. Well, this is hell so no need to act surprised, but how do people live here? It stinks of burned rubber, you can constantly hear people screaming, and the whole damn door collapsed when I tried to open it.

Can't believe a girl can live here willingly, so unless her boyfriend's forcing her, she's probably a few dollars short or whatever people use for currency around here.

This is it. I can hear breathing behind this door, let's hope it's her.


She's moving. Guess I woke her up, now all I have to do is wait 10 minutes for her to get changed. Wonderful.

Cherry: What the hell is wrong with you!? You nearly broke my door with those knocks!

Cherry: What the hell is wrong with you!? You nearly broke my door with those knocks!

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Legend: Your boyfriend sent me.

Cherry: My boyfriend? Are you high?

Legend: No, his name was maverick.

Cherry: Maverick? That's not my boyfriend, I barely know the guy.

Legend: He can be your butler for all I care now listen, I need you to get me inside the hotel at the other edge of town.

Cherry: You mean the happy hotel? Why would you want to go to that shithole? Wait, don't tell me you actually believe that we demons can achieve redemption if we play nice?

Legend: Not a demon.

Cherry: Not a demon? I'll believe it when I see it.

Legend: Don't need to prove anything to you.

Cherry: Tell you what, if you're actually human then I'll take you to the happy hotel for free.

Legend: Deal.

Gonna need to take off my mask if I want to get to the radio demon. Well, it's not like I have to blow up industrial complexes, even though that would be preferable.

Cherry: My~ My~ Tall, broody, and handsome, I will have a lot of fun with you~

Y/N: Mask's going back on.

Cherry: To be honest, I knew from the beginning you were human.

Legend: Then why make me prove it?

Cherry: Just wanted to know how your real face looks like, and before you ask, you are a pretty big deal around here.

Legend: I'm a celebrity down here?

Cherry: You're known as the harbinger of death. There's even a group of succubi who idolize you.

Legend: Can't wait to meet them.

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