Contract: Beast in Heat

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The night was dark, filled with heavy snowing, and in the night there was me returning home after taking down a jewellery thief, but the night ain't over yet. I still have to analyse this ring. No thief breaks in a museum and steals a specific ancient ring, but that wasn't the only thing on my mind, Amber, she's ill. Three days ago she was kidnapped by one of her own kind, and in that short time of captivity they tortured her badly.

Vampires are more resilient to pain compared to humans, but they are still animalistic creatures. Locking one inside a cage and then forcing her to smell blood for five hours straight was a severely painful experience not physically but mentally. While humans resort to their instincts after one week of starvation for vampires it takes a lot less time.

After I managed to save her she was different, she didn't answer me, she had that hungry glint inside her eyes and the last day she's begun to mutter my name silently in patterns. That experience, it broke her, and I'm worried that I won't be able to fix her, but leaving those thoughts aside I've arrived to HQ which was just a house I bought and repurposed as an operation centre. This night was a struggle, first the thief then the cops trying to arrest me. I don't understand them I bring in criminals, yet they still use lethal force against me.

You are stealing their glory so don't be surprised if they get hostile.

Entering the HQ I noticed something, Amber was missing, this ain't good, if she got out then she'll probably drain the first few people she sees. Good thing I placed a tracker on her after getting kidnapped, now let's see. She's here? I can't see her or hear her, either way judging by the signal's altitude she must be in the actual HQ room on the lowest floor.

Going down the stairs and entering the room I've noticed two things standing out, the first one was the tracker placed near a letter? No, a list, let's see here: Dress, Decorations, Ring, Bath, and Meal. Decorations and wine are apparently done since they're crossed, I guess that explains the Christmas theme around the house but that's not all. On the list there's another phrase written in a hurry judging by its bad handwriting, and it says "He's already here" now why do I feel like that's me she's talking about, hold on, I hear footsteps.

Amber: Honey! Are you home already?

Amber: Huh? I could swear I saw something red here... Ohh, Amber you keep getting distracted, there's still so much to be done.

She left as fast as she got here, what the fuck is she talking about? She was wearing a Christmas dress, and I know for sure that she's still not herself, those vampire instincts of hers must still be clouding her mind, but now she's roaming around, and I have no idea what to do. Better call Lisa, she should give me a few tips.

Communications Online

Lisa: Must you call this early? It's five in the morning.

Y/N: Listen, Amber woke up.

Lisa: And you couldn't wait until midday to tell me this because?

Y/N: Because she hasn't recovered from her trauma, she just woke up from it.

Lisa: What? I'm so confused at the moment, please explain in detail.

Y/N: When I got back to HQ I've noticed something strange, Amber was missing, she disappeared from her bed and after some snooping around I found a list containing decorations, ring, meal, dress, and bath, and after reading it she came in with that glint inside her eyes. She called me honey which is a first.

Lisa: Was she perhaps blushing?

Y/N: She was red, but that can't be blush, I mean she was always red after I rescued her.

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