Every time I close my eyes, I see a flash of the past. Sometimes, I see the battlefield with bodies at every step, and smoke from artillery fire everywhere you looked. Sometimes I see friends, Odin, Michael, and even Azazel. But most of the time, I...
Lisa is a sorceress I met in Europe. She asked my help to kill a kayran in a town called Uithoorn, the beast grew so large that it blocked ships from passing through meaning that the town was losing income, and so they hired a sorceress. But monster hunting is usually something that mages don't do so when she realized what I am she immediately asked for assistance which I provided for a price obviously.
The kayran was the biggest one I've seen so far and all that Lisa did was stop him from retreating leaving the heavy lifting to me but in the end I've managed to slay the beast. After witnessing my immunity for the kayran's poison she suddenly became interested in the way my body operates, now usually I don't like people analysing my internal functions, but she didn't have ill intent towards me, so I let her do what she wants which proved a good decision because now she's like my doctor, and she did make new formulas for potion's which proved powerful but lately every time I went to her, she's started enjoy these examinations more than usual, and the reason for that is once again my much hated nemesis, lust. Because apparently men with white hair, scars on their face, and clear signs of ageing are considered cute these days.
Lisa: Y/N, are you still with me?
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Y/N: I try to be.
Lisa: I need you to concentrate.
Y/N: I'd love to do that, but unfortunately there's something that's deterring my attention.
Lisa: And what is that?
Y/N: Your beauty.
Lisa: My beauty? If you keep up this sweet talk then I won't be able to sleep well at night.
Y/N: Can I put my shirt back on?
Lisa: Of course you can't, that's the first rule we've agreed upon.
Y/N: Don't remember agreeing to nothing, at first I just thought you wanted to analyse the toxicity being pumped into my body from the heart but now that I've drank your horrible poison there's no need for me to be shirtless.
Lisa: Hmm? Toxicity? I just wanted to see how fast you're body develops antibodies.
Y/N: Then why are you telling me every damn time I'm coming here to undress till underwear?
Lisa: Because I like seeing you're ripped body. Is there something wrong with that?
Y/N: Wrong? No, unfair yes.
Lisa: You're not suggesting that I should undress, are you?
Y/N: I'm not suggesting anything, I'm just making a point.
Lisa: Well, you're making a good one so why don't you help me take this dull dress off? Just be careful, you might touch something that's... sensitive~
I've done as she asked. Slowly, and carefully I've begun to take her dress off, my hands moved smoothly on her skin causing a slight giggle from her, and before I knew it those same hands already reached and removed her bra exposing her breasts. Then she sat on my lap with her face towards mine, slowly moving her head towards my ear.