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Every time I look in the mirror, I never see myself. Instead, I see a creature with a jaw-wide open, teeth like daggers and blood pouring out of it. I see claws instead of fingers, and I see rage inside its bright red eyes. This creature is me; this is how people see me. I can't look at it for long because the rage that is present in its eyes slowly gets transferred to me, and because of it, I just want to break the mirror, cursing and feeling disgusted for the thing that I've become.

I will never see myself in the mirror because the things I've done and the choices I've made have had a big impact on my mentality. I may have high willpower, but what's the point? Furthermore, I can't kill myself, but at the same time, I can't live with myself, and I can't even seek redemption because it would take too long for me to better myself and overshadow my past with the present, and so I won't seek salvation. Instead, I will do what I do: utilize violence, but this time I will do it not for money but for those who get prayed on by the strong. I will stand between the predatory and the innocent. I will only use violence for the sake of others; that is the only way I can make her proud.

Issa: Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah, I'm coming.

But I will only do that at night. During the day, I prepare for the night and take Issa to school. I talked to her, and she told me that Gremory would wait for me after the lessons were over. How come you can't keep a woman waiting, but you can keep a man waiting?

I never thought you were a gentlemen, and here I thought you were going to force her to meet you.

You got a point. I never wait in lines, so why should I wait for a spoiled brat?

You see, I can be helpful; now reward me.

Sure thing, here's seven dollars.

Issa: Hey, is everything okay? Why are you giving money to the wall?

Y/N: Come; you'll be late for school.

Issa: Are you coming with me?

Y/N: Yes, I will need to talk to your master.

Issa: But she will be busy with classes; it would be best if you came at the time I mentioned.

Y/N: I wait for nobody, and besides, look at the bright side; you'll miss the first lesson.

Issa: Why didn't you say so earlier? Let's go!

Naturally, hearing that she'd be excused from class, the girl jumped in joy. I always wondered: What's the point of school? I mean, I haven't even been to kindergarten, yet I'm smarter than most people.

I don't think school is that bad. I mean, think of all the laughs the kids get when someone throws tear-gas in the woman's restroom. Are you listening?

I'm driving; I can't spare attention to you.

Says the guy who can dodge bullets and go 1 vs. 50 in close quarter combat at the same time.

Fine, Issa is asleep anyway, so I guess I can hear you out.

So, are you gonna use Rias to get to Lucifer?

At the moment, my return is official, and there is no doubt the three factions are going to meet up to discuss my awakening, which will be the perfect opportunity for me to do the same thing I did back in the war: one bullet, three birds.

Are you going to kill them?

Azazel and Michael were always obedient. It is Lucifer that might cause me to take action. After all, the pact was broken by Lucifer, and I will make sure the price will be paid in full. I bet at the moment the poor sap is trembling in fear, thinking that I'm coming, that fear causes paranoia, and that fear reveals one's weakness.

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