Chapter 5: Fireworks

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Peter and the four sidekicks looked up at the strange boy in the glass case in shock. None of them were sure what to make of it, though Peter had a sneaking suspicion already of what was going on.

Wally stepped forward reading the letters on the glass with a curious look. "Kr!" He gasped.

"Isn't that the atomic symbol for Krypton?" Peter asked with an unsure shrug. "I kinda took chemistry in a different universe."

"It is." Aqualad nodded.

Robin immediately approached the monitor in front of the chamber and connected to it. "Bypassing security." He whispered to himself, then pumped his fist as the screen turned green. Then he read the screen for a few seconds, before saying. "Weappn designation, Superboy." He explained. "A clone grown in the span of..." his eyes widened. "Sixteen weeks!?"

"Thats a big baby." Peter mumbled to himself.

Robin continued reading. "From DNA acquired from Superman!?" He gasped in surprise.

"Those pesky lab rats." Peter groaned with a shake of the head. "What else does it say?"

"STOLEN from Superman." Aqualad corrected.

"No way the big guy knows about this." Wally replied with a shake of the head.

"Agreed." Peter nodded.

"The solar suit allows him to absorb yellow sun radiation twenty-four-seven." Robin read aloud.

Aqualad looked at the screen and pointed at the small Genomorphs in the container. "And these... creatures?"

Robin continued reading. "Genomorph Gnomes. Telepathic." He sajd, sharing an uneasy look with the others. "Force feeding him an education."

"Riiight." Peter nodded. "'Education'." He said sarcastically with air quotes.

"And we can guess what else." Aqualad nodded.

"So they're making a slave out of... well." Wally began.

Peter nodded. "Out of Superman." He looked to Robin and the others. "NOW we contact the League."

The sidekicks nodded and all tried using their communicators. Peter watched for a few seconds, before all three of them groaned in defeat.

"Oh, don't tell me..." Peter deadpanned.

"No signal." Robin said.

"We're in too deep." Wally said with a concerned look.

"Literally." Peter added, then shook his head. "Stupid Spider sense!" He hissed to himself.

They looked back at Superboy for a few moments in silence. All the while, Peter was weighing what their next move should be. From what he saw with Guardian, the Gnomes worked best at close range, likely being able to communicate with one another telepathically.

"This is... wrong." Wally breathed out.

"What should we do?" Robin looked to Peter.

He glanced up to see all three of the sidekicks looking at him, waiting for a plan.

"We can't leave him here." Peter sighed, looking back at the container with unease as the horns of the Gnomes started to glow. "Let him out."

"If you say so." Robin said as he started hacking the terminal.

"Quickly." Peter quipped with an uneasy gaze. "Before I come to my senses."

Suddenly, the glass container hissed, letting a cloud of steam into the air, before opening up completely.

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