Chapter 34: Am I Dreaming?

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Peter and Raven sat silently on the floor of her room facing each other. Not a sound hung in the air for several minutes as they stared at each other in conflicted shock. Everything about his life lately had seemed so simple. Keep protecting people, keep living a life with Raven, but this...

This was different.

"It's true..." Raven sighed, hanging her head with tears in her eyes. "I asked her and... she admitted it."

Peter went silent for another moment, seeing the tears in her eyes, his heart aching to see her so scared about such a thing. Although, he did know why she was.

"I-I... I don't understand." He replied with confusion.

"You're telling ME!?" She huffed, looking back at him while throwing her arm up stressfully. "I thought we both agreed that wasn't a good idea."

"Yeah..." he nodded, his eyes wide in deep thought. "We did..."

"So WHY is she Here? HOW is she here?" She asked, covering her mouth with her hands as she fought more tears. "God, I was so rude to her... I'm so awful." She sobbed, burying her face in her knees.

"Hey-hey-hey. You are NOT. You're a wonderful person... You'remy FAVORITE person..." Peter said as he knelt down beside her, wrapping his arms gently around her, which caused her to lean towards him and cuddle slightly into his arms. "Look, whatever this is, it's NOT simple." He assured.

"Peter, PLEASE!" She scoffed with a teary eyed glare. "With everything I've been through. Everything that YOU'VE been through, WHY would we put that on someone else? And our own CHILD at that!?"

"I know..." he nodded as he sat down beside her against the wall.

They both fell silent for a moment, looking off in thought, their hearts racing all the while.

"I can't believe it." She shook her head.

Peter nodded. "Well... Typically when people have se-"

"Please DO NOT give me the scientific explanation right now. I KNOW how it works." Raven huffed with a grumble.

Peter paused for a moment awkwardly, then nodded. "Right... sorry." He replied apologetically.

"With MY powers..." she explained with a troubled sigh. "The only reason I would have a child with someone... Is if I did it intentionally."

Peter raised an eyebrow at that. "Not birth control?" He asked with an amused grin.

"Not needed." She shook her head with a sigh. "If I don't want it to happen, then it doesn't... but that also applies... for the other way..."

"Oh, right." He nodded. "Magic and whatnot..."

Raven nodded quietly at that. "...Which means that... eventually... I make a VERY... VERY selfish decision." She shook her head, burying her face in her knees. "So, yeah, I'm pretty awful... That poor girl." She said, quietly sobbing again.

Peter's heart ached as he watched her cry and gently wrapped an arm around her, lightly rubbing her back to comfort her. She was right about how they felt, of course. After Tony, Thanos, Aunt May, Slade, Trigon, Venom, Joker; he didn't want to put someone so important in danger like that.

For Raven, he knew it was worse, though.

Her powers and heritage being more like a curse for most of her life, it only made sense for Raven to assume the same would happen to their child.

After meeting the girl, however, coupled with this new revelation, he couldn't help but wonder about her. How much of their trauma came with their gifts? How much trouble had their child been through because of them?

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