Chapter 37: Dangers Of The Job

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The following day, Peter and Cyborg took some time in the crime lab. They used their combined knowledge to sweep through their files and search the internet for any stories that may have hinted at someone being from Peter's world. Though, they did find several stories of people claiming such a thing, only to discover it was an older story about someone the Justice League had already found. He could already tell it was going to take a lot more effort and strategic thinking, in order to find these people.

"Man, half these people are either ACTUALLY nuts or on some harcore drugs." Cyborg sighed with a shake of the head. "You find anybody?"

"Not anybody we don't already KNOW about." Peter shrugged. "Already seeing a story about Thor though." He shrugged. "Apparently he had a run in with some monster outside of Miami."

Cyborg laughed at that. "Didn't Wonder Woman tell him NOT to get into trouble?"

Peter chuckled softly at that. "Yeah. She did." He replied, then gave a simple shrug. "I can't imagine he can resist defending people in a fight, though. He may be mellower than your Thor, but he's still a viking."

"Yeah, true that." Cyborg shrugged with an amused grin. "You think he and Diana are gonna come to blows?"

"I don't know." Peter sighed with a shake of the head. "I just hope he doesn't do something incredibly stupid."

"Like try to put the moves on Diana?" Cyborg laughed.

"God, yes, exactly like that!" Peter groaned with a shake of the head.

"You think he will?" Cyborg asked.

"Hell, I don't know." Peter shrugged. "I'm just scared because I vouched for him and yet he's the God of Thunder, so there's really nothing I can do if he DOES decide to make a fool of himself."

Cyborg laughed at that with a shake of the head. "Hell, man, you ain't their ambassador."

"Am I not?" Peter laughed sarcastically.

"No, you ain't." Cyborg assured. "All YOU have to do is make sure they know what's happening and make sure they're safe. But THEIR behavior is on THEM."

Peter nodded at that. "Yeah you're probably right. Let's just hope the League shares your opinion." Peter replied.

"Yeah, knock on wood." Cyborg laughed as Peter stood up from his chair. "Any idea where else we should look?"

Peter paused and looked off in thought for a moment. "Well, I have the computer scanning for any other stories that might lead to something." He paused in thought again. "Hmm... I don't know. I guess we're gonna have to use some context clues. Copycat heroes, people searching for places that don't exist. Stuff like that."

Cyborg nodded as he stood up from his chair. "I'll set the computer in my room to start searching." He assured, then paused, his arms folded with an amused smirk. "And what are YOU gonna do? Going to check on your ladies?"

Peter chuckled softly at that and shrugged. "Was it THAT obvious?"

"For YOU? Definitely." He nodded with an amused laugh. "I'm just relieved you ain't had a panic attack yet."

Peter nodded for a moment. "Oh I HAVE." He nodded. "On the inside." He shrugged jokingly, causing them both to laugh in amusement.

"Dude, it's so damn funny." Cyborg laughed. "That girl is so much like you both."

"Is she?" Peter replied with an amused grin.

"Hell yeah, especially you, man." He chuckled with a shake of the head. "She spend like thirty minutes last night, explaining to Wally that if he wanted to, he could use his speed to walk on air and fly."

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